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c – std :: function就像委托模板类一样

2019-07-28 18:05:29  阅读:201  来源: 互联网

标签:c c11 templates variadic-templates delegates


template<class T>
struct FastDelegate {};

template<class R, class... Args>
struct FastDelegate<R (Args...)> 
    template <typename T>
    FastDelegate(T* t, R (T::*f)(Args...)) : m_t(t), m_f(f) {} 

    R operator()(Args... p)
        return (m_t->*m_f)(std::forward<Args>(p)...);

    T* m_t;  // How can I capture T as a type in this partial specialization?
    R  (T::*m_f)(Args...);

struct Test
 int add ( int x, int y ) { return x+y; }

int main ()
 int x = 5;
 int y = 4;

 Tester t;
 FastDelegate<int (int,int)> d (&t, &Test::calc );
 int z = d(x,y);


您可以将对象捕获为void *,将成员函数存储在随机成​​员函数类型中,并具有恢复必要类型的函数.这种方法避免在堆上分配任何内存.有问题的步骤是从某种类型的成员函数转换到另一个成员函数.但是,根据5.2.10 [expr.reinterpret.cast]第10段,只要成员函数在使用之前被转换回其原始类型,就可以安全地使用这种方法:

[…] The result of this conversion is unspecified, except in the following cases:

  • converting a prvalue of type “pointer to member function” to a different pointer to member function type and back to its original type yields the original pointer to member value.

下面是一个实现此方法的示例.但是,请注意,使用std :: function< R(Args ...)>可能更容易.使用合适的lambda作为标准库可能会首先实现类似的方法.

#include <iostream>
#include <utility>

template<class T>
struct FastDelegate {};

template<class R, class... Args>
struct FastDelegate<R (Args...)> 
    struct dummy {};
    template <typename T>
    FastDelegate(T* t, R (T::*f)(Args...))
        : m_t(t)
        , m_f(reinterpret_cast<void (dummy::*)()>(f))
        , m_call([](void(dummy::*d)(), void* v, Args... a){
                typedef R (T::*mem)(Args...);
                T* t = static_cast<T*>(v);
                mem f = reinterpret_cast<mem>(d);
                return (t->*f)(std::forward<Args>(a)...);
            }) {

    R operator()(Args... p) {
        return (this->m_call)(this->m_f, this->m_t, std::forward<Args>(p)...);

    void* m_t;
    void  (dummy::*m_f)();
    R     (*m_call)(void (dummy::*)(), void*, Args...);

struct Tester
 int add ( int x, int y ) {
     std::cout << "add(" << x << ", " << y << ")\n";
     return x+y;

int main ()
 int x = 5;
 int y = 4;

 Tester t;
 FastDelegate<int (int,int)> d (&t, &Tester::add);
 int z = d(x,y);

来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20190728/1564370.html

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