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c – 为什么在dlopen’d函数内传递std :: any的std :: any_cast会引发错误

2019-07-27 08:07:34  阅读:251  来源: 互联网

标签:scons dlopen c c17 stdany

我正在玩c 17和插件,我遇到了一个我无法解决的错误.在下面的MWE中,我可以调用一个带有std :: any的本地函数,当我尝试读取内容时,一切都按预期工作.当我通过插件(dlopen)加载这个完全相同的函数时,它正确地看到了any上的类型,但它不能std :: any_cast内容.



>> g++ --version

g++ (GCC) 7.1.1 20170526 (Red Hat 7.1.1-2)
Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

>> scons --version

SCons by Steven Knight et al.:
    script: v2.5.1.rel_2.5.1:3735:9dc6cee5c168[MODIFIED], 2016/11/03 14:02:02, by bdbaddog on mongodog
    engine: v2.5.1.rel_2.5.1:3735:9dc6cee5c168[MODIFIED], 2016/11/03 14:02:02, by bdbaddog on mongodog
    engine path: ['/usr/lib/scons/SCons']
Copyright (c) 2001 - 2016 The SCons Foundation

>> tree

├── SConstruct
└── src
    ├── main.cpp
    ├── plugin.cpp
    └── SConscript

1 directory, 4 files

>> cat SConstruct

SConscript('src/SConscript', variant_dir='build', duplicate=0)

>> cat src/SConscript

env = Environment()
plugin = env.SharedLibrary('plugin', 'plugin.cpp')
Install('../lib', plugin)
driver_env = env.Clone()
driver_env.Append(LIBS=['dl', 'stdc++fs'])
driver = driver_env.Program('driver', 'main.cpp')
Install('../bin', driver)

>> cat src/plugin.cpp

#include <any>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
extern "C" {
int plugin(any& context) {
    cout << "    Inside Plugin" << endl;
    cout << "    Has Value? " << context.has_value() << endl;
    cout << "    Type Name: " << context.type().name() << endl;
    cout << "    Value: " << any_cast<double>(context) << endl;

>> cat src/main.cpp

#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <any>
#include <experimental/filesystem>
#include <dlfcn.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace std::experimental;

function< void(any&) > loadplugin(string filename) {
    function< void(any&) > plugin;
    filesystem::path library_path(filename);
    filesystem::path library_abspath = canonical(library_path);
    void * libraryHandle = dlopen(library_abspath.c_str(), RTLD_NOW);
    if (!libraryHandle) {
        throw runtime_error("ERROR: Could not load the library");
    plugin = (int(*) (any&))dlsym(libraryHandle, "plugin");
    if (!plugin) {
        throw runtime_error("ERROR: Could not load the plugin");
    return plugin;

int local(any& context) {
    cout << "    Inside Local" << endl;
    cout << "      Has Value? " << context.has_value() << endl;
    cout << "      Type Name: " << context.type().name() << endl;
    cout << "      Value: " << any_cast<double>(context) << endl;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    cout << "  Resolving Paths..." << endl;
    filesystem::path full_path = filesystem::system_complete( argv[0] ).parent_path();
    filesystem::path plugin_path(full_path/".."/"lib"/"libplugin.so");
    cout << "  Creating Context..." << endl;
    any context(.1);
    cout << "  Loading Plugin..." << endl;
    function<void(any&) > plugin = loadplugin(plugin_path.string());
    cout << "  Calling Local..." << endl;
    cout << "  Calling Plugin..." << endl;

>> scons

scons: Reading SConscript files ...
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
g++ -o build/main.o -c -std=c++17 src/main.cpp
g++ -o build/driver build/main.o -ldl -lstdc++fs
Install file: "build/driver" as "bin/driver"
g++ -o build/plugin.os -c -std=c++17 -fPIC src/plugin.cpp
g++ -o build/libplugin.so -shared build/plugin.os
Install file: "build/libplugin.so" as "lib/libplugin.so"
scons: done building targets.

>> tree

├── bin
│   └── driver
├── build
│   ├── driver
│   ├── libplugin.so
│   ├── main.o
│   └── plugin.os
├── lib
│   └── libplugin.so
├── SConstruct
└── src
    ├── main.cpp
    ├── plugin.cpp
    └── SConscript

4 directories, 10 files

>> bin/driver

  Resolving Paths...
  Creating Context...
  Loading Plugin...
  Calling Local...
    Inside Local
      Has Value? 1
      Type Name: d
      Value: 0.1
  Calling Plugin...
    Inside Plugin
    Has Value? 1
    Type Name: d
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_any_cast'
  what():  bad any_cast
    Value: Aborted (core dumped)


libstdc的任何依赖于同一模板实例化的地址在程序中是相同的,这意味着你需要take precautions if you are using dlopen

The compiler has to emit [objects with vague linkage, like template
instantiations] in any translation unit that requires their presence,
and then rely on the linking and loading process to make sure that
only one of them is active in the final executable. With static
linking all of these symbols are resolved at link time, but with
dynamic linking, further resolution occurs at load time. You have to
ensure that objects within a shared library are resolved against
objects in the executable and other shared libraries.

  • For a program which is linked against a shared library, no additional precautions are needed.
  • You cannot create a shared library with the -Bsymbolic option, as that prevents the resolution described above.
  • If you use dlopen to explicitly load code from a shared library, you must do several things. First, export global symbols from the
    executable by linking it with the -E flag (you will have to specify
    this as -Wl,-E if you are invoking the linker in the usual manner
    from the compiler driver, g++). You must also make the external
    symbols in the loaded library available for subsequent libraries by
    providing the RTLD_GLOBAL flag to dlopen. The symbol resolution
    can be immediate or lazy.

来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20190727/1551870.html

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