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English trip V2-B 5 Apartment Living 公寓生活 Teacher:Tom

2019-07-25 14:51:57  阅读:295  来源: 互联网

标签:Living Apartment just ... fall up She Tom ever

In this lesson you will learn to say what has happened.



quite a lot of  #    quite   adv. 很;相当;完全

autumn |  fall       # fall 是美国叫法,autumn 是 英国叫法 !?

habit   习惯

Have you ever ...?

slip on a mat   在垫子上滑倒

fall down the stairs  摔下楼梯

break a glass  打破一个玻璃杯

burn your hand  烫到手  # 注意 hand 和 head 读音区别

bump you head 撞到头

forget your keys 忘记要是


follow up questions  跟进问题

that ask for more information  这需要更多的信息

stop before it happends  在事情发生之前停下来


词汇(Key Word )

locked out 被困在外

be infested with  被感染

making noise  制造噪音

burned  烧伤

clogged  v. 阻塞;妨碍(clog的过去分词) adj. 阻塞的;堵住的   # block


come up  走近;发生;开始;上升;发芽;被提出

solutions  解决方案

trouble clearing 排除故障

preventions  n. 预防;阻止;妨碍    # deny


# Need remember

burmp  vi./vt 碰撞

curl n.卷发


clogged  adj.堵了

infest vt.大批滋生

nerd n.讨厌的人;呆子  # 当下表示比较狂热的人,例如:IT爱好者,电脑爱好者,

nerve  n.神经;勇气

pearl  珍珠;最宝贵的东西

plate  n. 金属板,碟子,盘子

slip  vi.滑倒

drop  v.掉下

break  vt. 使...破碎

come up with 想出;提出

lock out 把...锁在门外


# 注意发音和联系阅读

heard  bird  bored  food

third  board  card  word

arm  fall  harm ( /hɑrm/ n. 伤害;损害) nerd(n. 呆子;书呆子;讨厌的人)

pearl  small  curl(/kɝl/ 卷曲)  nerve  ( /nɝv/  n. 神经;勇气;[植] 叶脉)




Have you ever lived... ?

on a houseboat  在船屋

in a tent   在帐篷

in a castle  /'kæsl/ 城堡

on a farm  在农场

in an apartment 在公寓

in a house 在房子


Have you ever lived in an apartment? 你住过公寓吗?

I have just dropped a plate on my foot  我刚刚把盘子掉在脚上了

What just happend? 怎么了?



a. They have just passed their exam.  他们刚刚通过考试。

b. She has just bought some clothes.  她刚买了一些衣服。

c. They have just left home.  他们刚离开家。

d. She has just fellen asleep.  她刚睡着。

e. He has just scored a goal.  他刚刚进了一个球。

f. She has just received a letter.   她刚刚收到一封信。

g. The have just kissed each other.  他们刚刚接吻了。

h. She has just woke up 她刚刚醒来

i. She just drank/had a cup of coffee.  她刚喝了/喝了一杯咖啡。

k. The just got married.  他们刚刚结婚。




Jim hasn't finished his homework yet.  吉姆还没有完成他的家庭作业。

Have julie's friends already at the airport?  朱莉的朋友已经到机场了吗?

Mark still hasn't been to the U.S.A  马克还没有去过美国

Christina has just come back from her vacation  克里斯蒂娜刚刚度假回来

Have you ever chatted with a complete stranger. 你曾经和一个完全陌生的人聊天吗?


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/Cong0ks/p/11244162.html

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