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Data Management Technology(5) -- Recovery

2019-06-23 20:48:13  阅读:274  来源: 互联网

标签:Management log transactions Technology value T1 item transaction Data


Types of Failures

Wrong data entry

  • Prevent by having constraints in the database
  • Fix with data cleaning

Disk crashes

  • Prevent by using redundancy (RAID, archive)
  • Fix by using archives

Fire, theft, bankruptcy…

  • Buy insurance, change profession…

System failures: most frequent (e.g. power)

  • Use recovery

System Failures

Each transaction has internal state

When system crashes, internal state is lost

  • Don’t know which parts executed and which didn’t

Remedy: use a log

  • A file that records every single action of the transaction


Assumption: the database is composed of elements

Usually 1 element = 1 block

Can be smaller (=1 record) or larger (=1 relation)

Assumption: each transaction reads/writes some elements

Correctness Principle

There exists a notion of correctness for the database

  • Explicit constraints (e.g. foreign keys)
  • Implicit conditions (e.g. sum of sales = sum of invoices)

Correctness principle: if a transaction starts in a correct database state, it ends in a correct database state

Consequence: we only need to guarantee that transactions are atomic, and the database will be correct forever

Primitive Operations of Transactions


  • read element X to memory buffer


  • copy element X to transaction local variable t


  • copy transaction local variable t to element X


  • write element X to disk

The Log

An append-only file containing log records

Note: multiple transactions run concurrently, log records are interleaved

After a system crash, use log to:

  • Redo some transaction that didn’t commit
  • Undo other transactions that didn’t commit

Undo Logging

Log records

transaction T has begun

T has committed

T has aborted

<T,X,v> T has updated element X, and its old value was v

Undo-Logging Rules

U1: If T modifies X, then <T,X,v> must be written to disk before X is written to disk

U2: If T commits, then must be written to disk only after all changes by T are written to disk

Hence: OUTPUTs are done early

Recovery with Undo Log

After system’s crash, run recovery manager

Idea 1. Decide for each transaction T whether it is completed or not

Idea 2. Undo all modifications by incompleted transactions

Recovery manager:

Read log from the end; cases:

  • : mark T as completed
  • : mark T as completed
  • <T,X,v>: if T is not completed
    then write X=v to disk
    else ignore
  • : ignore


Note: all undo commands are idempotent, If we perform them a second time, no harm is done

stop reading the log:

  • We cannot stop until we reach the beginning of the log file
  • This is impractical
  • Better idea: use checkpointing


Checkpoint the database periodically

  • Stop accepting new transactions
  • Wait until all curent transactions complete
  • Flush log to disk
  • Write a log record, flush
  • Resume transactions

Redo Logging

Log records

<T,X,v>= T has updated element X, and its new value is v

R1: If T modifies X, then both <T,X,v> and must be written to disk before X is written to disk

Hence: OUTPUTs are done late

After system’s crash, run recovery manager

Step 1. Decide for each transaction T whether it is completed or not

Step 2. Read log from the beginning, redo all updates of committed transactions

Undo/Redo Logging

Log records, only one change

<T,X,u,v>= T has updated element X, its old value was u, and its new value is v

Recovery with Undo/Redo Log

After system’s crash, run recovery manager

Redo all committed transaction, top-down

Undo all uncommitted transactions, bottom-up



冲突可串行 & 两阶锁





Consider the following schedule:
T1 reads item B
T1 writes item B with old value 11, new value 12
T2 reads item B
T2 writes item B with old value 12, new value 13
T3 reads item A
T3 writes item A with old value 29, new value 30
T2 reads item A
T2 writes item A with old value 30, new value 31
T1 reads item D
T1 writes item D with old value 44, new value 45

(a) What serial schedule is this equivalent to? If none, then explain why.

The serializability graph for the above schedule is: T1T2  T3. Any order that complies with the
topological order of the graph like T1  T3  T2 is an equivalent serial schedule for our schedule

(b) Is this schedule consistent with two phase locking? Explain why.

If we assume that all transactions get the locks exactly before the operation and release them afterwards, it is not consistent with two phase locking. This is because T1 releases its lock on B after its second operation while acquiring a lock on D at its last two operations. By removing the last two operations of T1 the schedule becomes 2PL.

If we assume that the transactions get all the locks they need at the beginning of the transaction, and release them after the finish the operation, this schedule will be 2PL. The minimum operations that could be added to the schedule will be “T1 reads item A”. In this case, T1 has to acquire the lock on A again after releasing its lock on A after its first write.(这段话太深奥了,我用百度翻译都没看懂。。。)

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/wojiaobuzhidao/p/11074295.html

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