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Azure基础(二)- 核心云服务 - Azure简介

2019-04-29 14:37:42  阅读:325  来源: 互联网

标签:group name 简介 vm myVM 核心 Azure az

Azure fundamentals - Core Cloud Services - Introduction to Azure

  • Learn what Microsoft Azure is and how it relates to cloud computing 了解什么是Azure以及Azure如何与云计算关联
  • Use Azure Cloud Shell to launch a Windows or Linux virtual machine  使用Azure Cloud Shell 启动Windows或Linux虚拟机
  • Configure your virtual machine to run a basic web server  配置虚拟机以运行web服务器
  • Scale up your server to give you more compute power  放大服务器以给与更大算力
az vm create \
  --name myVM \
  --resource-group 4510a0c0-5ca7-43be-8892-023ee0d6b763 \
  --image UbuntuLTS \
  --location southeastasia \
  --size Standard_DS2_v2 \
  --admin-username azureuser \
#Run the following az vm get-instance-view command to verify 
#that the VM was successfully created and is running. az vm get-instance-view \ --name myVM \ --resource-group 4510a0c0-5ca7-43be-8892-023ee0d6b763 \ --output table #From Cloud Shell, run this az vm extension set command to download and execute
#a Bash script that installs Nginx and configures a basic home page az vm extension set \ --resource-group 4510a0c0-5ca7-43be-8892-023ee0d6b763 \ --vm-name myVM \ --name customScript \ --publisher Microsoft.Azure.Extensions \ --settings "{'fileUris':['https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MicrosoftDocs/mslearn-welcome-to-azure/master/configure-nginx.sh']}" \ --protected-settings "{'commandToExecute': './configure-nginx.sh'}" #Run this az vm open-port command to open port 80 (HTTP) through the firewall. az vm open-port \ --name myVM \ --resource-group 4510a0c0-5ca7-43be-8892-023ee0d6b763 \ --port 80 #Run this az vm show command to list your VM's public IP address. az vm show \ --name myVM \ --resource-group 4510a0c0-5ca7-43be-8892-023ee0d6b763 \ --show-details \ --query [publicIps] \ --output tsv #From Cloud Shell, run az vm resize to increase your VM's size to Standard_DS3_v2. az vm resize \ --resource-group 4510a0c0-5ca7-43be-8892-023ee0d6b763 \ --name myVM \ --size Standard_DS3_v2 #Run az vm show to verify that your VM is running the new size. az vm show \ --resource-group 4510a0c0-5ca7-43be-8892-023ee0d6b763 \ --name myVM \ --query "hardwareProfile" \ --output tsv


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/chenjo/p/10790209.html

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