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SPVM::Sys 0.26 发布 - Python / NumPy移植到Perl的项目

2022-11-12 16:39:26  阅读:333  来源: 互联网

标签:python 数据 语言 NumPy ipython shell 科学家

对于 Python / NumPy 移植到 Perl 的项目,SPVM::Sys 是从文件读取/写入数据的基本类。

0.26 2022-11-12
  [Incompatible Changes]
    * The definitions of the following methods in the Sys::IO::Stat class are changed.
        method st_dev : int ();
        method st_ino : int ();
        method st_nlink : int ();
        method st_rdev : int ();
        method st_dev : long ();
        method st_ino : long ();
        method st_nlink : long ();
        method st_rdev : long ();
   * The stat and lstat methods in the Sys::IO class are moved to the Sys::IO::Stat class.

  [New Features]
    * Added the following methods to the Sys::IO::Stat class.
      static method fstat_raw : int ($fd : int, $stat : Sys::IO::Stat);

      static method fstat : int ($fd : int, $stat : Sys::IO::Stat);

    * Added the following methods to the Sys::IO class.

      static method readline : mutable string ($stream : Sys::IO::FileStream);

      static method ftruncate : int ($fd : int, $length : long);

      static method ungetc : int ($c : int, $stream : Sys::IO::FileStream);

      static method fsync : int ($fd : int);

      static method freopen : Sys::IO::FileStream ($path : string, $mode : string, $stream : Sys::IO::FileStream);

      static method setvbuf : int ($stream : Sys::IO::FileStream, $buf : mutable string, $mode : int, $size : int);

      static method setbuf : void ($stream : Sys::IO::FileStream, $buf : mutable string);

      static method setbuffer : void ($stream : Sys::IO::FileStream, $buf : mutable string, $size : int);

      static method setlinebuf : void ($stream : Sys::IO::FileStream);

      static method stdin : Sys::IO::FileStream ()

      static method stdout : Sys::IO::FileStream ()

      static method stderr : Sys::IO::FileStream ()

    * Added the following methods to the Sys::IO::Constant class.

      static method STDIN_FILENO : int ();

      static method STDOUT_FILENO : int ();

      static method STDERR_FILENO : int ();

      static method BUFSIZ : int ();

      static method _IONBF : int ();

      static method _IOLBF : int ();

      static method _IOFBF : int ();

    * Added the offset argument to the following methods.
      static method read : int ($fd : int, $buf : mutable string, $count : int);
      static method write : int ($fd : int, $buf : string, $count : int);
      static method fread : int ($ptr : mutable string, $size : int, $nmemb : int, $stream : Sys::IO::FileStream);
      static method fgets : mutable string ($s : mutable string, $size : int, $stream : Sys::IO::FileStream);
      static method fwrite : int ($ptr : string, $size : int, $nmemb : int, $stream : Sys::IO::FileStream);

      static method read : int ($fd : int, $buf : mutable string, $count : int, $buf_offset = 0 : int);
      static method write : int ($fd : int, $buf : string, $count : int, $buf_offset = 0 : int);
      static method fread : int ($ptr : mutable string, $size : int, $nmemb : int, $stream : Sys::IO::FileStream, $ptr_offset = 0 : int);
      static method fgets : mutable string ($s : mutable string, $size : int, $stream : Sys::IO::FileStream, $s_offset = 0 : int);
      static method fwrite : int ($ptr : string, $size : int, $nmemb : int, $stream : Sys::IO::FileStream, $ptr_offset = 0 : int);

什么是 SPVM?

SPVM是一种静态类型语言,可以从Perl使用。SPVM是 Python/numpy 移植到 Perl 的重要组成部分。如果你还没有听说过Perl的SPVM。另请参阅SPVM 语言规范。


预计生物技术,AI / ML,Apple/iPhone / iPad应用程序,Google/Android应用程序,物联网设备,联网汽车,智能设备,智能家居等领域将增长。

这是因为SPVM可以生成支持跨平台的可执行文件,并且可以轻松计算数组和绑定C / C++和Nvidia / GPU / cuda。


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