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2022-09-04 14:01:47  阅读:242  来源: 互联网

标签:xml project 标签 commons jboss pom apache org Final



<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
   xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
    //project描述这个项目,xmlns命名空间,xmlns:xsi ——是指xml文件遵守xml规范,xsi全名:xml schema instance,是指具体用到的schema资源文件里定义的元素所准守的规范。xsi:schemaLocation——是指,本文档里的xml元素所遵守的规范,schemaLocation 属性用来引用(schema)模式文档,解析器可以在需要的情况下使用这个文档对 XML 实例文档进行校验。它的值(URI)是成对出现的,第一个值表示命名空间,第二个值则表示描述该命名空间的模式文档的具体位置,两个值之间以空格分隔。

   <groupId>ysoserial</groupId>///GroupID 是项目组织唯一的标识符,实际对应JAVA的包的结构,是main目录里java的目录结构。



               <!-- maximize compatibility -->
               <!-- ignore noisy internal api warnings -->
               <appendAssemblyId>false</appendAssemblyId>//Set to false to exclude the assembly id from the assembly final name, and to create the resultant assembly artifacts without classifier. As such, an assembly artifact having the same format as the packaging of the current Maven project will replace the file for this main project artifact.暂不理解
                  <id>make-assembly</id>//The identifier of this execution for labelling the goals during the build, and for matching exections to merge during inheritance.

   <repositories>//The lists of the remote repositories for discovering dependencies and extensions.

   <dependencies>//This element describes all of the dependencies associated with a project. These dependencies are used to construct a classpath for your project during the build process. They are automatically downloaded from the repositories defined in this project.

      <!-- testing depedencies -->


      <!-- non-gadget dependencies -->


      <!-- gadget dependecies -->


   <profiles>// A listing of project-local build profiles which will modify the build process when activated.用于区分测试包和发行包,并配置不同的环境
            <!-- workaround for non-overlapping TLS versions in JDK6 and central repo
             https://central.sonatype.org/articles/2018/May/04/discontinued-support-for-tlsv11-and-below/ -->
                    <url>http://repo1.maven.org/maven2</url><!-- intentionally http (see above) -->
                    <url>http://repo1.maven.org/maven2</url><!-- intentionally http (see above) -->




    <distributionManagement>//Distribution information for a project that enables deployment of the site and artifacts to remote web servers and repositories respectively.告知我们项目发布地址
            <name>GitHub Packages</name>


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/Sovohost-43/p/16654974.html

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