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2022-09-04 04:00:21  阅读:230  来源: 互联网

标签:web document 15 SpringMVC Spring MVC covered Configuration EnableWebMvc

Spring Boot provides auto-configuration for Spring MVC that works well with most applications.(大多场景我们都无需自定义配置)

The auto-configuration adds the following features on top of Spring’s defaults:

  • Inclusion of ContentNegotiatingViewResolver and BeanNameViewResolver beans.
    • 内容协商视图解析器和BeanName视图解析器
    • 静态资源(包括webjars)
  • Automatic registration of Converter, GenericConverter, and Formatter beans.
    • 自动注册 Converter,GenericConverter,Formatter
    • 支持 HttpMessageConverters (后来我们配合内容协商理解原理)
    • 自动注册 MessageCodesResolver (国际化用)
  • Static index.html support.
    • 静态index.html 页支持
    • 自定义 Favicon
    • 自动使用 ConfigurableWebBindingInitializer ,(DataBinder负责将请求数据绑定到JavaBean上)

If you want to keep those Spring Boot MVC customizations and make more MVC customizations (interceptors, formatters, view controllers, and other features), you can add your own @Configuration class of type WebMvcConfigurer but without @EnableWebMvc.

不用@EnableWebMvc注解。使用 @Configuration + WebMvcConfigurer 自定义规则


If you want to provide custom instances of RequestMappingHandlerMapping, RequestMappingHandlerAdapter, or ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver, and still keep the Spring Boot MVC customizations, you can declare a bean of type WebMvcRegistrations and use it to provide custom instances of those components.

声明 WebMvcRegistrations 改变默认底层组件


If you want to take complete control of Spring MVC, you can add your own @Configuration annotated with @EnableWebMvc, or alternatively add your own @Configuration-annotated DelegatingWebMvcConfiguration as described in the Javadoc of @EnableWebMvc.

使用 @EnableWebMvc+@Configuration+DelegatingWebMvcConfiguration 全面接管SpringMVC

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/dzs894330350/p/16654173.html

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