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Common English speaking 1000 sentences(1-100)-01

2022-08-21 17:32:23  阅读:214  来源: 互联网

标签:me what 01 help up see Common English Take

common spoken english one thousand phrases.

==> Common English speaking 1000 sentences

I see.

I quit!

Let go!

Me too.

My god!

No way!

Come on.

Hold on.

I agree.

Not bad.

Not yet.

See you.

Shut up.

So long.

Why not?

Allow me.

Be quiet.

Cheer up!

good job!

Have fun!

How much?

I'm full.

I'm home.

I'm lost.

My treat.

So do I.

This way.

After you.

Bless you!

Follow me.

Forget it!

Good luch!

I decline!

I promise.

Of course!

Slow down!

Take care!

They hurt!

Try again.

Watch out.

what's up?

Be careful.

Bottoms up!

Don't move!

Guess what?

I doubt it.

I think so.

I'm single.

Keep it up!

Let me see.

Never mind.

No problem!

That'e all.

Time is up.

what's new?

count me on.

Don't worry.

Feel better?

I love you!

I'm his fan.

Is it yours?

That's neat.

Are you sure?

Do I have to?

He is my age.

Here you are.

NO one knows.

Take it easy.

What a pity.

Anything else?

To be careful!

Do me a favor?

Help yourself.

I'm on a diet.

Keep in Touch.

Time is money.

Who's calling?

You did right.

You set me up!

Can I help you?

Enjoy yourself!

Excuse me,Sir.

Give me,Sir.

Give me a hand.

How's it going?

I have no idea.

I just made it.

I'll see to it.

I'm in a hurry!

It's her field.

It's up to you.

Just wonderful.

what about you?

You owe me one.

you're welcome.

Any day will do.

Are you kidding?


I can't help it.

I don't mean it.

I'll fix you up.


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/eistert37/p/16610378.html

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