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2022-08-15 08:30:28  阅读:168  来源: 互联网

标签:grateful grat late gratus addressee letter pleasing your con

  • congratulate [过去分词 of congratulari 'to wish happiness', from com- + gratus 'pleasing']
  • grateful ['pleasing, thankful', from gratus] 感激的; 感谢的; 令人愉快的; 宜人的; 使人感到舒服的
    • ungrateful
    • ingrate [from ingratus, from gratus 'grateful'] an ungrateful person
    • ingratitude: the quality of not being grateful
  • gratitude [from gratitudo, from gratus] 感激; 感谢
  • gratify [from gratificare 'to make yourself pleasing', from gratus] 使高兴或满意; 满足所欲; 纵容
  • gratuity [from gratuitus "done without pay," from gratus "pleasing," from gratia "favor"] tip; 退休金
  • gratuitous [from gratuitus, from gratus] unnecessary. 想象两个人客气/推让:A:“拿些水果走。” B:“不用了/不要,家里有。”

How to Write a Letter of Congratulations: 15 Steps

  1. Including a Salutation [敬礼; 致意; 称呼] and Initial Congratulations
    1. Come up with an appropriate salutation to start your letter.
    2. Begin with a general statement of congratulations for a standard opening.
    3. Start with pride or encouragement if you know the addressee [the person a letter, package etc is addressed to] well.
    4. Place the emphasis on the achievement if you’re not close to the addressee.
  2. Adding a Personal Touch
    1. Focus on your feelings if you’ve known the recipient a long time.
    2. Talk about how the addressee has grown over time.
    3. Include a personal anecdote if you want to offer advice.
  3. Concluding [结束] Your Letter
    1. Close with a formal note of encouragement if it’s a professional letter.
    2. Include a note of support and affection if you’re close to them.
    3. Wish the addressee luck if they’re starting out on a new journey.
    4. Choose an appropriate closing before signing your name.
  4. Delivering Your Letter
    1. Send your letter as soon as you can.
    2. Write personal letters by hand and email formal letters.
    3. Hand them your letter in person to add a personal touch.
    4. Send the letter along with a gift to show appreciation.

六级/考研单词: congratulate, gratitude, salute, parcel, anecdote, advice, affection

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/funwithwords/p/16586977.html

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