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软件质量属性Quality attributes 总结

2022-07-25 18:04:40  阅读:177  来源: 互联网

标签:架构设计 可用性 系统 system 能力 可修改性 attributes Quality 属性

Quality attributes have been of interest to the software community at least since the 1970s. There are a variety of published taxonomies and definitions, and
many of them have their own research and practitioner communities.

A quality attribute (QA) is a measurable or testable property of a system that is used to indicate how well the system satisfies the needs of its stakeholders. You can think of a quality attribute as measuring the “goodness” of a product along some dimension of interest to a stakeholder.















Functionality is the ability of the system to do the work for which it was intended.

An international standard (ISO 25010) defines functional suitability as “the capability of the software product to provide functions which meet stated and implied needs when the software is used under specified conditions.” That is, functionality is the ability to provide functions. One interpretation of this definition is that functionality describes what the system does and quality describes how well the system does its function. That is, qualities are attributes of the system and function is the purpose of the system.





来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/feng9exe/p/16518260.html

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