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A Child's History of England.234

2022-01-25 10:02:52  阅读:202  来源: 互联网

标签:King his had England.234 Child he was Prince History

Between the petition and the trial, the Queen had given birth to a son, which Father Petre rather thought was owing to Saint Winifred. But I doubt if Saint Winifred had much to do with it as the King's friend, inasmuch [=in so far as = to the degree that] as the entirely new prospect of a Catholic successor (for both the King's daughters were Protestants) determined the Earls of Shrewsbury, Danby, and Devonshire, Lord Lumley, the Bishop of London, Admiral Russell, and Colonel Sidney, to invite the Prince of Orange over to England. The Royal Mole [内奸], seeing his danger at last, made, in his fright, many great concessions, besides raising [募集] an army of forty thousand men; but the Prince of Orange was not a man for James the Second to cope with. His preparations were extraordinarily vigorous, and his mind was resolved.

Father (神父) Petre... 元帝皇子生,普赐群臣。殷洪乔谢曰:“皇子诞育,普天同庆。臣无勋焉,而猥wěi颁厚赉lài。” 中宗笑曰:“此事岂可使卿有勋邪yé !” —— 《世说新语》中宗:晋元帝(276年-323年)

The Royal Mole: 韦小宝喜道: “原来皇上也是我天地会中人……” 地振高冈,一派溪山千古秀;门朝大海,三合河水万年流

For a fortnight after the Prince was ready to sail for England, a great wind from the west prevented the departure of his fleet. Even when the wind lulled [减弱], and it did sail, it was dispersed by a storm, and was obliged to put back to refit [重新装备]. At last, on the first of November, one thousand six hundred and eighty-eight, the Protestant east wind, as it was long called, began to blow; and on the third, the people of Dover and the people of Calais [加来,现为法国城市] saw a fleet twenty miles long sailing gallantly by, between the two places. On Monday, the fifth, it anchored at Torbay in Devonshire, and the Prince, with a splendid retinue [随员] of officers and men, marched into Exeter. But the people in that western part of the country had suffered so much in The Bloody Assize, that they had lost heart. Few people joined him; and he began to think of returning, and publishing the invitation he had received from those lords, as his justification [a good and acceptable reason for doing sth] for having come at all. At this crisis, some of the gentry [绅士] joined him; the Royal army began to falter [迟疑]; an engagement [正式的承诺] was signed, by which all who set [put] their hand to it declared that they would support one another in defence of the laws and liberties of the three Kingdoms [苏英爱], of the Protestant religion, and of the Prince of Orange. From that time, the cause [事业] received no check [阻碍]; the greatest towns in England began, one after another, to declare for [宣布支持] the Prince; and he knew that it was all safe with him when the University of Oxford offered to melt down its plate, if he wanted any money.

the Protestant east wind... 东风不与桔子便,天主光辉照英伦

By this time the King was running about in a pitiable [可怜的] way, touching people for the King's evil in one place, reviewing his troops in another, and bleeding from the nose in a third. The young Prince was sent to Portsmouth, Father Petre went off like a shot to France, and there was a general and swift dispersal of all the priests and friars. One after another, the King's most important officers and friends deserted him and went over to the Prince. In the night, his daughter Anne fled from Whitehall Palace; and the Bishop of London, who had once been a soldier, rode before her with a drawn sword [宝剑出鞘] in his hand, and pistols at his saddle. 'God help me,' cried the miserable King: 'my very children have forsaken me!' In his wildness, after debating with such lords as were in London, whether he should or should not call a Parliament, and after naming [提名指定] three of them to negotiate with the Prince, he resolved to fly to France. He had the little Prince of Wales brought back from Portsmouth; and the child and the Queen crossed the river to Lambeth in an open boat, on a miserable wet night, and got safely away. This was on the night of the ninth of December.

king's evil, a swelling of the lymph glands, once popularly supposed to be curable by the touch of royalty.
dispersal: the process of spreading things over a wide area or in different directions

六级/考研单词: petition, saint, catholic, successor, bishop, colonel, princess, fright, besides, vigor, resolve, fortnight, sail, depart, fleet, disperse, oblige, tertiary, anchor, splendid, march, engage, liberty, melt, wicked, bleed, shot, swift, priest, flee, sword, pistol, saddle, wretched, parliament, swell

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/funwithwords/p/15841798.html

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