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A Child's History of England.207

2022-01-23 13:33:03  阅读:143  来源: 互联网

标签:Oliver had Parliament handed England.207 Child History was he

They formed a new Council of State [国事会] after this extraordinary proceeding [event], and got a new Parliament together in their own way: which Oliver himself opened in a sort of sermon [讲道], and which he said was the beginning of a perfect heaven upon earth [地上的天国]. In this Parliament there sat a well-known leather-seller, who had taken the singular name of Praise God Barebones, and from whom it was called, for a joke, Barebones's Parliament, though its general name was the Little Parliament. As it soon appeared that it was not going to put Oliver in the first place, it turned out to be not at all like the beginning of heaven upon earth, and Oliver said it really was not to be borne with [忍受]. So he cleared off that Parliament in much the same way as he had disposed of the other; and then the council of officers decided that he must be made the supreme authority of the kingdom, under the title of the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth.

So, on the sixteenth of December, one thousand six hundred and fifty-three, a great procession [行列] was formed at Oliver's door, and he came out in a black velvet suit and a big pair of boots, and got into his coach and went down to Westminster, attended by [陪伴] the judges, and the lord mayor, and the aldermen [市政官], and all the other great and wonderful personages [要人] of the country. There, in the Court of Chancery, he publicly accepted the office [职位] of Lord Protector. Then he was sworn, and the City sword was handed to him, and the seal was handed to him, and all the other things were handed to him which are usually handed to Kings and Queens on state occasions [国礼]. When Oliver had handed them all back, he was quite made and completely finished off [完完成成] as Lord Protector; and several of the Ironsides preached about it at great length, all the evening.


六级/考研单词: parliament, singular, praise, disposition, supreme, commonwealth, procession, velvet, mayor, sword, seal, preach

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/funwithwords/p/15836187.html

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