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2022-01-04 15:03:51  阅读:210  来源: 互联网

标签:enable qt 交叉 -- 5.9 编译 linux aarch64

// cross compile for qt(aarch64-linux)
. download qt source code
qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.9.5.tar.xz is source code
qt-opensource-linux-x64-5.9.5.run is for linux
. use command line "apt-get install qt..." install qt at /usr/bin/ /usr/lib/
. build cross compile env
1) Compilers: add /usr/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc /usr/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-g++
"which aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc" command give the directory
2) Qt Versions: add Qt5.9.5(qte-5.9.5) at /opt/qte-5.9.5/bin/qmake
3) Kits: Name:aarch64, Device type:Generic Linux Device, Compiler C: ARM_GCC C++: ARM_G++
Debuger: none, qt version: Qt5.9.5(qte-5.9.5)
.build qt source file
1)configure qmake at source code qt-5.9.5/qtbase/mkspecs/linux-aarch64-gnu-g++/qmake.conf
add QT_QPA_DEFAULT_PLATFORM = linuxfb, others keep the same
2)configure step
./configure -prefix /opt/qte-5.9.5 \
-opensource \
-confirm-license \
-release \
-shared \
-accessibility \
-c++std c++11 \
-xplatform linux-aarch64-gnu-g++ \
-qpa linuxfb \
-linuxfb \
-qreal float \
-pch \
-qt-libjpeg \
-qt-zlib \
-qt-libpng \
-no-sse2 \
-no-largefile \
-no-qml-debug \
-no-glib \
-no-gtkstyle \
-no-opengl \
-nomake tools \
-nomake examples \
-skip qt3d -skip qtcanvas3d -skip qtdoc -skip qtwayland
3)make&make install

// cross compile for opencv(aarch64-linux)
.use cmake to configure
1)Specify options for cross-compiling
Operating System=arm-linux
C=/usr/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc C++=/usr/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-g++
Target Root=/opt/qte-5.9.5
notice that program mode should be: search in target root, then native system
2) CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/opencve-2.4.10 CMAKE_FINE_ROOT_PATH=/opt/qte-5.9.5
.go to build_aarch64 file path, use command line to build
make&sudo make install
be careful: 3rdparty like libpng, libjpeg should use -fpic to link, modifies flag.make file


compile x264(x64-linux)
./configure --enable-shared
make&sudo make install


compile ffmpeg(x64-linux)

.sdl2 is necessary for ffplay, http://libsdl.org/release/
.x264 is the a good .h264 impelmentation
./configure --enable-shared --enable-swscale --enable-gpl --enable-nonfree
--enable-pic --prefix=/home/ffmpeg --enable-version3 --enable-postproc
--enable-pthreads --enable-x254
make&sudo make install


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/luofeiju/p/15712219.html

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