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【py.checkio】【HOME】Between Markers

2021-12-25 15:05:27  阅读:274  来源: 互联网

标签:begin py end text checkio markers str between HOME



def between_markers(text: str, begin: str, end: str) -> str:
        returns substring between two given markers
    # your code here
    if begin not in text and end not in text:
        return text
    elif begin not in text:
        e = text.index(end)
        return text[:e]
    elif end not in text:
        b = text.index(begin)
        return text[b+len(begin):]
        b = text.index(begin)
        e = text.index(end)
        if b < e:
            return text[b+len(begin):e]
            return ''

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print(between_markers('What is >apple<', '>', '<'))

    # These "asserts" are used for self-checking and not for testing
    assert between_markers('What is >apple<', '>', '<') == "apple", "One sym"
    assert between_markers("<head><title>My new site</title></head>",
                           "<title>", "</title>") == "My new site", "HTML"
    assert between_markers('No[/b] hi', '[b]', '[/b]') == 'No', 'No opened'
    assert between_markers('No [b]hi', '[b]', '[/b]') == 'hi', 'No close'
    assert between_markers('No hi', '[b]', '[/b]') == 'No hi', 'No markers at all'
    assert between_markers('No <hi>', '>', '<') == '', 'Wrong direction'
    print('Wow, you are doing pretty good. Time to check it!')

Best "Clear" Solution(最佳"清晰"解决方案):

def between_markers(text: str, begin: str, end: str) -> str:
    start = text.find(begin) + len(begin) if begin in text else None
    stop = text.find(end) if end in text else None
    return text[start:stop]

Best "Creative" Solution(最佳"创意"解决方案):

def between_markers(txt, begin, end):
    a, b, c = txt.find(begin), txt.find(end), len(begin)
    return [txt[a+c:b], txt[a+c:], txt[:b], txt][2*(a<0)+(b<0)]

text.find(str, beg=0, end=len(string)):检测text字符串中是否包含子字符串str,如果指定beg和end范围,则检查是否包含在指定范围内,如果包含子字符串返回开始的索引值,否则返回-1。 

Best "Speedy" Solution(最佳"快速"解决方案):

between_markers = lambda text, begin, end: text[text.index(begin)+len(begin) if begin in text else 0: text.index(end) if end in text else len(text)]

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/m0_37586703/article/details/122143431

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