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android studio插件相关(逐步完成系列)

2019-02-27 13:53:16  阅读:288  来源: 互联网

标签:插件 code working 代码 should 导包 studio 整理 android



Whitespaces and Imports

When working with PSI modification functions, you should never create individual whitespace nodes (spaces or line breaks) from text. Instead, all whitespace modifications are performed by the formatter, which follows the code style settings selected by the user. Formatting is automatically performed at the end of every command, and if you need, you can also perform it manually using the reformat(PsiElement) method in the CodeStyleManager class.

Also, when working with Java code (or with code in other languages with a similar import mechanism such as Groovy or Python), you should never create imports manually. Instead, you should insert fully-qualified names into the code you’re generating, and then call the shortenClassReferences() method in the JavaCodeStyleManager (or the equivalent API for the language you’re working with). This ensures that the imports are created according to the user’s code style settings and inserted into the correct place of the file.





来源: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_31433709/article/details/87970998

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