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How to read a paper(Three-step method to read a paper)

2021-11-30 17:33:28  阅读:186  来源: 互联网

标签:what read time Three paper each method

(1) Understand the structure of the paper

  Generally, a paper consists of the following seven parts: 1. Title, 2. Author, 3. Abstract, 4. Introduction, 5. Related Work and Proposed Method, 6. Experiments, 7. Conclusion.

(2) Read the paper for the first time

  When reading the paper for the first time, we mainly read the title, abstract and conclusion of the paper.

  After reading these three parts, we will probably know what this paper is mainly talking about and whether it is useful for us. Then, skip to the experiment part to see some key figures and tables.

(3) Read the paper for the second time

  Read the entire paper once and try to understand what each part does. During reading the paper, you needn't to pay much attention to certain details (such as formulas or some proof process, etc). It is important to figure out those important figures and tables, you should know the meaning of each word.

  For example, in the method section, what is the whole flowing chart doing and what does the graph of the algorithm proposed by the author look like. In the experiment section, what is the meaning of the x-axis of each table and what is the meaning of each point in the y-axis. Besides, how does the author's method compares with others' method, and how big is the gap between these methods.

  At this time, you may not have specificially figured out what the author have done. It doesn't matter, you can mark it and read it later.





来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/wangfengpku/p/15625136.html

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