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fastdfs API

2021-10-24 01:03:30  阅读:178  来源: 互联网

标签:name fastdfs storage server API tracker file array





file_id是including group name and filename












tracker_server Fast的服务器地址


storage_server    group地址






























fastdfs_http_gen_token(string file_id, int timestamp)



parameters:  remote_filename: the remote filename (do NOT including group name)  timestamp: the timestamp (unix timestamp) return token string for success, false for error





fastdfs_get_file_info(string group_name, string filename)









parameters:  group_name: the group name of the file  remote_filename: the filename on the storage server return assoc array for success, false for error.   the assoc array including following elements:   create_timestamp: the file create timestamp (unix timestamp)   file_size: the file size (bytes)   source_ip_addr: the source storage server ip address  





fastdfs_get_file_info1(string file_id)









parameters:  file_id: the file id (including group name and filename) or remote filename return assoc array for success, false for error.   the assoc array including following elements:   create_timestamp: the file create timestamp (unix timestamp)   file_size: the file size (bytes)   source_ip_addr: the source storage server ip address





string fastdfs_gen_slave_filename(string master_filename, string prefix_name


                [, string file_ext_name])





parameters:  master_filename: the master filename / file id to generate     the slave filename  prefix_name: the prefix name  to generate the slave filename  file_ext_name: slave file extension name, can be null or emtpy     (do not including dot) return slave filename string for success, false for error





array fastdfs_storage_upload_by_filename(string local_filename


         [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list, string group_name,


         array tracker_server, array storage_server])



parameters:  local_filename: the local filename  file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)  meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                    array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)  group_name: specify the group name to store the file  tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                          ip_addr, port and sock  storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock return assoc array for success, false for error.         the returned array includes elements: group_name and filename





string fastdfs_storage_upload_by_filename1(string local_filename


         [, string file_ext_name, string meta_list, string group_name,


         array tracker_server, array storage_server])




例如:fastdfs_storage-upload_by_filename1("/zxy.jpg", null, array(), null, $tracker, $storage);

parameters:  local_filename: the local filename  file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)  meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                    array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)  group_name: specify the group name to store the file  tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                          ip_addr, port and sock  storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock return file_id for success, false for error.





fastdfs_storage_upload_by_filebuff(string file_buff


         [, string file_ext_name, string meta_list, string group_name,


         array tracker_server, array storage_server])



parameters:  file_buff: the file content  file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)  meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                    array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)  group_name: specify the group name to store the file  tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                          ip_addr, port and sock  storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock return assoc array for success, false for error.         the returned array includes elements: group_name and filename





fastdfs_storage_upload_appender_by_filename(string local_filename


         [, string file_ext_name, array meta_list, string group_name,


         array tracker_server, array storage_server])



parameters:  local_filename: the local filename  file_ext_name: the file extension name, do not include dot(.)  meta_list: meta data assoc array, such as                    array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)  group_name: specify the group name to store the file  tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                          ip_addr, port and sock  storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock return assoc array for success, false for error.         the returned array includes elements: group_name and filename





fastdfs_storage_delete_file(string group_name, string remote_filename


         [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])



parameters:  group_name: the group name of the file  remote_filename: the filename on the storage server  tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                          ip_addr, port and sock  storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock return true for success, false for error  





fastdfs_storage_delete_file1(string file_id


         [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])



parameters:  file_id: the file id to be deleted  tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                          ip_addr, port and sock  storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock return true for success, false for error





fastdfs_storage_download_file_to_buff(string group_name,


         string remote_filename [, long file_offset, long download_bytes,


         array tracker_server, array storage_server])



parameters:  group_name: the group name of the file  remote_filename: the filename on the storage server  file_offset: file start offset, default value is 0  download_bytes: 0 (default value) means from the file offset to                          the file end  tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                          ip_addr, port and sock  storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock return the file content for success, false for error





fastdfs_storage_download_file_to_buff1(string file_id


        [, long file_offset, long download_bytes,


         array tracker_server, array storage_server])



parameters:  file_id: the file id of the file  file_offset: file start offset, default value is 0  download_bytes: 0 (default value) means from the file offset to                          the file end  tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                          ip_addr, port and sock  storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock return the file content for success, false for error    



fastdfs_storage_download_file_to_file(string group_name,


         string remote_filename, string local_filename [, long file_offset,


         long download_bytes, array tracker_server, array storage_server])



parameters:  group_name: the group name of the file  remote_filename: the filename on the storage server  local_filename: the local filename to save the file content  file_offset: file start offset, default value is 0  download_bytes: 0 (default value) means from the file offset to                          the file end  tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                          ip_addr, port and sock  storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock return true for success, false for error





fastdfs_storage_set_metadata(string group_name, string remote_filename,


         array meta_list [, string op_type, array tracker_server,


         array storage_server])



parameters:  group_name: the group name of the file  remote_filename: the filename on the storage server  meta_list: meta data assoc array to be set, such as                    array('width'=>1024, 'height'=>768)  op_type: operate flag, can be one of following flags:   FDFS_STORAGE_SET_METADATA_FLAG_MERGE: combined with the old meta data   FDFS_STORAGE_SET_METADATA_FLAG_OVERWRITE: overwrite the old meta data  tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                          ip_addr, port and sock  storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock return true for success, false for error





fastdfs_storage_get_metadata(string group_name, string remote_filename


         [, array tracker_server, array storage_server])



parameters:  group_name: the group name of the file  remote_filename: the filename on the storage server  tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                          ip_addr, port and sock  storage_server: the storage server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock return assoc array for success, false for error        returned array like: array('width' => 1024, 'height' => 768)







fastdfs_connect_server(string ip_addr, int port)



    Ip地址     Port parameters:  ip_addr: the ip address of the server  port: the port of the server return assoc array for success, false for error     断开服务器连接:   fastdfs_disconnect_server(array server_info)   返回值:boolean parameters:  server_info: the assoc array including elements:                      ip_addr, port and sock return true for success, false for error         状态测试:(主要测试storage的状态)   fastdfs_active_test(array server_info)   返回值:boolean parameters:  server_info: the assoc array including elements:                      ip_addr, port and sock, sock must be connected return true for success, false for error     获取一个tracker server连接:   fastdfs_tracker_get_connection()   返回值:boolean return assoc array for success, false for error        the assoc array including elements: ip_addr, port and sock     连接到所有的tracker   fastdfs_tracker_make_all_connections()   返回值:boolean return true for success, false for error     关闭所有的tracker连接:   fastdfs_tracker_close_all_connections()   返回值:boolean return true for success, false for error         获得小组统计信息   fastdfs_tracker_list_groups([string group_name, array tracker_server])   返回值:array parameters:  group_name: specify the group name, null or empty string means all groups  tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock return index array for success, false for error, each group as a array element     获取storage信息   fastdfs_tracker_query_storage_store([string group_name,                      array tracker_server])   返回值:array parameters:  group_name: specify the group name  tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock return assoc array for success, false for error. the assoc array including        elements: ip_addr, port, sock and store_path_index     连接所有的tracker   fastdfs_tracker_make_all_connections()   返回值:boolean return true for success, false for error
  获取存储服务器的信息:   fastdfs_tracker_query_storage_store([string group_name,                      array tracker_server])   返回值:array parameters:  group_name: specify the group name  tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock return assoc array for success, false for error. the assoc array including        elements: ip_addr, port, sock and store_path_index     获取上传服务器的信息列表:   fastdfs_tracker_query_storage_store_list([string group_name,                      array tracker_server])   返回值:array parameters:  group_name: specify the group name  tracker_server: the tracker server assoc array including elements:                         ip_addr, port and sock return indexed storage server array for success, false for error.        each element is an ssoc array including elements:         ip_addr, port, sock and store_path_index     删除一个存储服务器:   fastdfs_tracker_delete_storage(string group_name, string storage_ip)   返回值:boolean parameters:  group_name: the group name of the storage server  storage_ip: the ip address of the storage server to be deleted return true for success, false for error     实例: 1.       上传一个文件: 复制代码
$tracker = fastdfs_tracker_get_connection(); var_dump($tracker);
if (!fastdfs_active_test($tracker)) {   error_log("errno: " . fastdfs_get_last_error_no() . ", error info: " . fastdfs_get_last_error_info());
  exit(1); } $storage = fastdfs_tracker_query_storage_store();
if (!$storage) {   error_log("errno: " . fastdfs_get_last_error_no() . ", error info: " . fastdfs_get_last_error_info());   exit(1); } $file_info = fastdfs_storage_upload_by_filename("/zxy.jpg", null, array(), null, $tracker, $storage);

2.       下载一个文件

$timestamp="2011-09-17 02:14:41";
fastdfs_storage_download_file_to_file($group_name,$filename, "test.jpg");

3.       删除一个文件


echo fastdfs_storage_delete_file($group_name, $filename);


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/yipianchuyun/p/15450111.html

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