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2021-10-082020级国庆七天乐第4天 D

2021-10-08 19:00:07  阅读:143  来源: 互联网

标签:10 ld return dir 2021 const drops 082020 Vec

D . In a Jam

A very hungry caterpillar has a hard time leafing food alone. Just yesterday he got himself into a real pickle (thankfully, he managed to chew his way out of that one). Today, he is in a jam and he needs your help finding his way out.

As it turns out, n drops of jam were spilled on the picnic table that the very hungry caterpillar is on. The ith drop of jam has spread out and now covers a circle of radius ri with center (xi,yi). Drops may overlap each other but no more than two outlines of drops will intersect at the same point. The caterpillar is located at the origin, (0,0). What is the shortest distance he needs to travel to reach a part of the table that isn’t covered in jam?

The Problem:

Given the locations and sizes of all the jam droplets on the table, find the shortest distance the very hungry caterpillar needs to travel to reach a part of the table that isn’t sticky and covered in jam.

The input begins with a line containing a single integer, t, representing the number of tables to consider. Each table is defined across multiple lines. The first line for each table will contain a single integer, n (1≤n≤100), representing the number of jam droplets. On the next n lines, each contains three integers, xi,yi and ri (−1,000≤xi≤1,000; −1,000≤yi≤1,000; 1≤ri≤1,000), representing the center, (xi,yi), and radius, ri, of the circle of jam, respectively. The caterpillar is guaranteed to be within some jam (and will not be on an edge of some jam).

For each table, output a single line containing a real number representing the minimum distance that the very hungry caterpillar needs to travel. The values should be output with three decimal places and rounded (0.0024 rounds to 0.002; 0.0025 rounds to 0.003).
Input 复制
-1 0 2
10 1 9
0 1 2
-1 0 2
400 1 400


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long double ld;
static bool eq(ld a, ld b)
    return abs(a - b) < 1e-6;
static bool leq(ld a, ld b)
    return eq(a, b) || a < b;
struct Vec
    ld x, y;
    Vec(ld x, ld y): x(x), y(y) {}

    Vec operator+(const Vec &o) const
        return Vec(x + o.x, y + o.y);
    Vec operator-(const Vec &o) const
        return Vec(x - o.x, y - o.y);

    Vec operator*(const ld c) const
        return Vec(c*x, c*y);

    ld operator*(const Vec &o) const
        return x*o.x + y*o.y;

    ld operator%(const Vec &o) const
        return x*o.y - y*o.x;

    ld mag2() const
        return x*x + y*y;
    ld mag() const
        return sqrt(mag2());

    Vec unit() const
        return (*this) * (1 / mag());
    Vec rot90() const
        return Vec(-y, x);
    Vec rot270() const
        return Vec(y, -x);

    bool operator==(const Vec &o) const
        return eq(x, o.x) && eq(y, o.y);
    bool operator!=(const Vec &o) const
        return !(*this == o);

struct Circle
    Vec c;
    ld r;
    Circle(Vec c, ld r): c(c), r(r) {}
    bool operator==(const Circle &o) const
        return c == o.c && eq(r, o.r);
    bool operator!=(const Circle &o) const
        return !(*this == o);
    bool contains(Vec v)
        Vec dir = c - v;
        return !eq(dir.mag(), r) && leq(dir.mag(), r);
    vector<Vec> intersect(Circle o)
        Vec dir = o.c - c;
        Vec unit = dir.unit();
        ld d2 = dir.mag2();
        ld d = sqrt(d2);
        if (r + o.r < d || r + d < o.r || o.r + d < r)
            return vector<Vec>();

        if (eq(d, r + o.r) || eq(r, d + o.r) || eq(o.r, d + r))
            return vector<Vec>(1, c + unit * (r / d));
        if (d > r + o.r)
            return vector<Vec>();
        ld d1 = (r*r + d2 - o.r*o.r) / (2 * d);
        ld h = sqrt(r*r - d1*d1);
        vector<Vec> ret;
        ret.push_back(c + (unit*d1) + (unit.rot270() *h));
        ret.push_back(c + (unit*d1) + (unit.rot90() * h));
        return ret;
int main()
    int t;
    cin >> t;
    while (t--)
        int n;
        cin >> n;
        vector<Circle> drops;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            ld x, y, r;
            cin >> x >> y >> r;
            drops.push_back(Circle(Vec(x, y), r));
        vector<Vec> pts;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                if (i == j)
                vector<Vec> inter = drops[i].intersect(drops[j]);
                pts.insert(pts.end(), inter.begin(), inter.end());
            Vec dir = drops[i].c;
            if (dir == Vec(0, 0))
                pts.push_back(Vec(drops[i].r, 0));
                pts.push_back(dir.unit() * (dir.mag() - drops[i].r));
        ld ans = 1e12;
        for (int j = 0; j < static_cast<int>(pts.size()); j++)
            bool good = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                if (drops[i].contains(pts[j]))
                    good = false;
            if (good)
                ans = min(ans, pts[j].mag());
      cout << setprecision(3) << fixed << ans << "\n";
    return 0;

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_52172723/article/details/120657392

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