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How to master the accuracy of darts?

2021-10-07 11:31:41  阅读:248  来源: 互联网

标签:Tungsten darts dart How master time release strategies

First of all, dart equipment is the key. Tungsten alloy darts is the only choice in the end. You can choose the entry-level with 80% tungsten content, or you can choose the more expensive 90% or more. Tungsten alloy has high density. Tungsten alloy darts with the same weight and length can be much thinner than copper darts. Darts also have different shapes. Generally, most of the new ones choose straight barrel darts, 21 to 23 grams.


According to Daiki Nasu of Osaka University in Japan and his colleagues' research report published by PLoS One on February 12, 2014, dart release or timing of hand position can improve the accuracy of dart throwing. Two main strategies are attributed to accurate throwing: timed object release, and the use of hand positioning to compensate for the release of objects at variable time. To better understand these strategies, the researchers investigated whether expert dart players used manual movement to compensate for changes in their release time. The study compared the time difference and hand movement between eight expert players and eight novices (novices) because they threw Tungsten Darts 60 times and aimed at the bull's eyes. Seven cameras were used to capture and analyze the movements of darts and index fingers.


The results reveal two strategies of the expert group. Some experts' time changes are similar to those of novices, but these experts have a longer time window to release a precisely thrown dart. These subjects chose hand movements that compensated for time variability. Other experts did not use these manual, but reduced the change of darts shafts release time. The author points out that the two strategies can achieve consistent throwing.


来源: https://blog.csdn.net/dartsonline235/article/details/120634137

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