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[SAA + SAP] 09. DynamoDB

2021-07-25 16:33:23  阅读:167  来源: 互联网

标签:save S3 SAA DynamoDB result directly need SAP

  • S3 is not good at searching object
  • We can use DynamoDB to save the metadata of S3 object
  • Then do the search in DyanmoDB

  • If you need to get data directly from DynamoDB, DAX is good for that
  • If you need to perform some calucation which needs quite a bit time to complete, then save the result in ElasticCache, next time can fetch result directly from ElasticCache instead of doing calcuation in DAX or DyanmoDB again.

DynamoDB Overview

Limits: Each item max size is 400 KB.

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/Answer1215/p/15058103.html

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