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Windowed reading and writing

2021-07-02 23:34:23  阅读:263  来源: 互联网

标签:src Windowed windows Window writing window rasterio reading block

Windowed reading and writing


Beginning in rasterio 0.3, you can read and write “windows” of raster files. This feature allows you to work on rasters that are larger than your computers RAM or process chunks of large rasters in parallel.
rasterio 0.3开始,你可以读写光栅文件的“窗口”(read and write “windows” of raster files)。此功能允许您处理大于计算机内存的栅格,或者并行处理大块的栅格。(说得这么绕,其实就是可以把尺寸很大的栅格分成小块分别处理)


A window is a view onto a rectangular subset of a raster dataset and is described in rasterio by column and row offsets and width and height in pixels. These may be ints or floats.
窗口(window)是栅格数据集的一个矩形子集的视图,并且通过列和行偏移(column and row offsets)以及像素数量表示的宽度和高度(width and height in pixels)来描述。这些可能是整数或浮点数。

from rasterio.windows import Window

Window(col_off, row_off, width, height)

Windows may also be constructed from numpy array index tuples or slice objects. Only int values are permitted in these cases.
windows也可以由numpy array索引元组或切片对象构成。在这些情况下,只允许使用int值。

Window.from_slices((row_start, row_stop), (col_start, col_stop))
Window.from_slices(slice(row_start, row_stop), slice(col_start, col_stop))

If height and width keyword arguments are passed to from_slices, relative and open-ended slices may be used.

Window.from_slices(slice(None), slice(None), height=100, width=100)
# Window(col_off=0.0, row_off=0.0, width=100.0, height=100.0)

Window.from_slices(slice(10, -10), slice(10, -10), height=100, width=100)
# Window(col_off=10, row_off=10, width=80, height=80)


Here is an example of reading a 256 row x 512 column subset of the rasterio test file.
下面是一个读取rasterio测试文件的256行x 512列子集的例子。

import rasterio

with rasterio.open('E:/MyStudy/segmentation_models.pytorch-master/data_li/L2A20190813N0213R113.tif') as src:
    w = src.read(1,window=Window(0, 0, 512, 256))

# out:(256, 512)


Writing works similarly. The following creates a blank 500 column x 300 row GeoTIFF and plops 37,500 pixels with value 127 into a window 30 pixels down from and 50 pixels to the right of the upper left corner of the GeoTIFF.
也是如此。下面创建一个空白的500列×300行的GeoTIFF。然后将值为127的37500个像素放入一个window ,该window从GeoTIFF的左上角向下30个像素,向右50个像素。

import numpy as np
image = np.ones((150, 250), dtype=rasterio.ubyte) * 127

with rasterio.open(
        dtype=image.dtype) as dst:
    dst.write(image, window=Window(50, 30, 250, 150), indexes=1)


If the write window is smaller than the data, the data will be decimated. Below, the window is scaled to one third of the source image.

path = 'E:/MyStudy/segmentation_models.pytorch-master/data_li/L2A20190813N0213R113.tif'

with rasterio.open(path) as src:
    b, g, r = (src.read(k) for k in (1, 2, 3))
# src.height = 718, src.width = 791

write_window = Window.from_slices((30, 269), (50, 313))
# write_window.height = 239, write_window.width = 263

with rasterio.open(
        './example_1.tif', 'w',
        driver='GTiff', width=500, height=300, count=3,
        dtype=r.dtype) as dst:
    for k, arr in [(1, b), (2, g), (3, r)]:
        dst.write(arr, indexes=k, window=write_window)

Data windows

Sometimes it is desirable to crop off an outer boundary of NODATA values around a dataset:

import rasterio
from rasterio.windows import get_data_window

with rasterio.open('tests/data/RGB.byte.tif') as src:
    window = get_data_window(src.read(1, masked=True))
    # window = Window(col_off=13, row_off=3, width=757, height=711)

    kwargs = src.meta.copy()
        'height': window.height,
        'width': window.width,
        'transform': rasterio.windows.transform(window, src.transform)})

    with rasterio.open('/tmp/cropped.tif', 'w', **kwargs) as dst:

Window transforms

The affine transform of a window can be accessed using a dataset’s window_transform method:
可以使用数据集的window_transform 方法来访问窗口的仿射变换:

import rasterio
from rasterio.windows import Window
win = Window(256, 256, 128, 128)
with rasterio.open(path) as src:
    src_transform = src.transform
    win_transform = src.window_transform(win)


Window utilities

Basic union and intersection operations are available for windows, to streamline operations across dynamically created windows for a series of bands or datasets with the same full extent.

>>> from rasterio import windows
>>> # Full window is ((0, 1000), (0, 500))
>>> window1 = Window(10, 100, 490, 400)
>>> window2 = Window(50, 10, 200, 140)
>>> windows.union(window1, window2)
Window(col_off=10, row_off=10, width=490, height=490)
>>> windows.intersection(window1, window2)
Window(col_off=50, row_off=100, width=200, height=50)


Raster datasets are generally composed of multiple blocks of data and windowed reads and writes are most efficient when the windows match the dataset’s own block structure. When a file is opened to read, the shape of blocks for any band can be had from the block_shapes property.

>>> with rasterio.open('tests/data/RGB.byte.tif') as src:
...     for i, shape in enumerate(src.block_shapes, 1):
...         print((i, shape))
(1, (3, 791))
(2, (3, 791))
(3, (3, 791))

The block windows themselves can be had from the block_windows function.

>>> with rasterio.open('tests/data/RGB.byte.tif') as src:
...     for ji, window in src.block_windows(1):
...         print((ji, window))
((0, 0), ((0, 3), (0, 791)))
((1, 0), ((3, 6), (0, 791)))

This function returns an iterator that yields a pair of values. The second is a window tuple that can be used in calls to read or write. The first is the pair of row and column indexes of this block within all blocks of the dataset.
ou may read windows of data from a file block-by-block like this.

>>> with rasterio.open('tests/data/RGB.byte.tif') as src:
...     for ji, window in src.block_windows(1):
...         r = src.read(1, window=window)
...         print(r.shape)
...         break
(3, 791)

Well-bred files have identically blocked bands, but GDAL allows otherwise and it’s a good idea to test this assumption in your code.
良好的文件具有相同的 blocked bands,,但是GDAL允许不同的情况,在您的代码中测试这个假设是一个好主意。

>>> with rasterio.open('tests/data/RGB.byte.tif') as src:
...     assert len(set(src.block_shapes)) == 1
...     for ji, window in src.block_windows(1):
...         b, g, r = (src.read(k, window=window) for k in (1, 2, 3))
...         print((ji, r.shape, g.shape, b.shape))
...         break
((0, 0), (3, 791), (3, 791), (3, 791))

The block_shapes property is a band-ordered list of block shapes and set(src.block_shapes) gives you the set of unique shapes. Asserting that there is only one item in the set is effectively the same as asserting that all bands have the same block structure. If they do, you can use the same windows for each.

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/LIWEI940638093/article/details/118424586

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