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[Unity] ECS中的重复多态性

2021-07-01 20:59:52  阅读:208  来源: 互联网

标签:多态性 void float readonly Unity ECS typeof query public






public abstract class Projectile {
    // Common projectile properties
    protected Vector2 position;
    private int damage;
    // Each projectile type may implement its own movement
    public abstract void Move();
    // Each projectile might have different effects on impact
    public abstract void OnImpact();
    public int Damage {
        get {
            return this.damage;
public class Bullet : Projectile {
    private readonly Vector2 direction;
    private readonly float speed;
    public Bullet(Vector2 direction, float speed) {
        this.direction = direction.normalized;
        this.speed = speed;
    public override void Move() {
        // Move by speed in straight line
        this.position += this.speed * Time.deltaTime * this.direction;
    public override void OnImpact() {
        // Maybe just destroy the bullet here
public class Fireball : Projectile {
    private readonly float initialVelocity;
    private readonly float angle;
    private readonly float gravity;
    private readonly float vX;
    private readonly float vYPart;
    private float polledTime;
    public Fireball(float initialVelocity, float angle, float gravity) {
        this.initialVelocity = initialVelocity;
        this.angle = angle;
        this.gravity = gravity;
        // Cache
        this.vX = this.initialVelocity * Mathf.Cos(this.angle);
        this.vYPart = this.initialVelocity * Mathf.Sin(this.angle);
    public override void Move() {
        // Move by projectile motion
        // There are better ways to do this but just bare with me
        this.polledTime += Time.deltaTime;
        // Update X
        this.position.x += this.vX * Time.deltaTime;
        // Update Y
        float vY = this.vYPart - this.gravity * this.polledTime;
        this.position.y += vY * Time.deltaTime;
    public override void OnImpact() {
        // Destroy the projectile then send a request to show a fireball impact particle effect
        // at the current position


public class ProjectileManager {
    private readonly List<Projectile> projectiles = new List<Projectile>();
    public void Add(Projectile projectile) {
    public void Update() {
        for (int i = 0; i < this.projectiles.Count; ++i) {
    private void CheckForCollisions() {
        // Let's just say a list of collisions exists
        foreach(Collision c in this.collisions) {
            // Apply damage if health component exists
            if(c.Health != null) {
                c.Health.Value -= c.Projectile.Damage;
            // Execute custom on impact routines


ECS Version



public struct Projectile : IComponentData {
    public float2 position;
    public readonly int damage;
    public Projectile(float2 position, int damage) {
        this.position = position;
        this.damage = damage;



public struct Bullet : IComponentData {
    public readonly float2 direction;
    public readonly float speed;
    public Bullet(float2 direction, float speed) {
        this.direction = math.normalize(direction);
        this.speed = speed;
public struct Fireball : IComponentData {
    public readonly float initialVelocity;
    public readonly float angle;
    public readonly float gravity;
    public readonly float vX;
    public readonly float vYPart;
    public float polledTime;
    public Fireball(float initialVelocity, float angle, float gravity) {
        this.initialVelocity = initialVelocity;
        this.angle = angle;
        this.gravity = gravity;
        // Cache
        this.vX = this.initialVelocity * math.cos(this.angle);
        this.vYPart = this.initialVelocity * math.sin(this.angle);
        this.polledTime = 0;


// Create a bullet
Entity bullet = entityManager.CreateEntity(typeof(Projectile), typeof(Bullet));
// Create a fireball
Entity fireball = entityManager.CreateEntity(typeof(Projectile), typeof(Fireball));


// Using ComponentSystem here instead of JobComponentSystem so that it's
// easier to understand
public class BulletMoveSystem : ComponentSystem {
    private EntityQuery query;
    protected override void OnCreate() {
        this.query = GetEntityQuery(typeof(Projectile), typeof(Bullet));
    protected override void OnUpdate() {
        this.Entities.With(this.query).ForEach(delegate(ref Projectile projectile, ref Bullet bullet) {
            projectile.position = projectile.position + (bullet.speed * Time.deltaTime * bullet.direction);
public class FireballMoveSystem : ComponentSystem {
    private EntityQuery query;
    protected override void OnCreate() {
        this.query = GetEntityQuery(typeof(Projectile), typeof(Fireball));
    protected override void OnUpdate() {
        this.Entities.With(this.query).ForEach(delegate(ref Projectile projectile, ref Fireball fireball) {
            // Move by projectile motion
            fireball.polledTime += Time.deltaTime;
            float2 newPosition = projectile.position;
            newPosition.x += fireball.vX * Time.deltaTime;
            float vY = fireball.vYPart - fireball.gravity * fireball.polledTime;
            newPosition.y += vY * Time.deltaTime;
            projectile.position = newPosition;

  为了处理不同的 "撞击 "逻辑,一个单独的系统可以处理检查碰撞检测,然后给发生碰撞的实体添加碰撞标签组件。然后,独立的系统将处理伤害处理和 "撞击 "程序。这里是处理碰撞检测的系统:

// Component that is added to entities that have collided
public struct Collided : IComponentData {
    public readonly Entity other; // The other entity that we collided with
public class ProjectileCollisionDetectionSystem : ComponentSystem {
    private EntityQuery query;
    protected override void OnCreate() {
        this.query = GetEntityQuery(typeof(Projectile), ComponentType.Exclude<Collided>());
    protected override void OnUpdate() {
        // Adds Collided component to entities that have collided


// Component representing health
public struct Health : IComponentData {
    public int amount;
public class ProjectileDamageSystem : ComponentSystem {
    private EntityQuery query;
    protected override void OnCreate() {
        this.query = GetEntityQuery(typeof(Projectile), typeof(Collided));
    protected override void OnUpdate() {
        ComponentDataFromEntity<Health> allHealth = GetComponentDataFromEntity<Health>();
        this.Entities.With(this.query).ForEach(delegate(ref Projectile projectile, ref Collided collided) {
            // Apply damage
            Health health = allHealth[collided.other];
            health.amount -= projectile.damage;
            allHealth[collided.other] = health; // Modify

  也可以在自己的系统中实现 "受影响 "的程序。

public class BulletOnImpactSystem : ComponentSystem {
    private EntityQuery query;
    protected override void OnCreate() {
        this.query = GetEntityQuery(typeof(Projectile), typeof(Collided), typeof(Bullet));
    protected override void OnUpdate() {
        // Just destroy them
public class FireballOnImpactSystem : ComponentSystem {
    private EntityQuery query;
    protected override void OnCreate() {
        this.query = GetEntityQuery(typeof(Projectile), typeof(Collided), typeof(Fireball));
    protected override void OnUpdate() {
        this.Entities.With(this.query).ForEach(delegate(ref Projectile projectile) {
            // Request fireball particle effect at projectile.position
        // Then destroy them





// Holds the projectile's position
public struct Position : IComponentData {
    public float2 value;
public struct StraightDirectionMovement : IComponentData {
    public readonly float2 direction;
    public readonly float speed;
    public StraightDirectionMovement(float2 direction, float speed) {
        this.direction = math.normalize(direction);
        this.speed = speed;
public class StraightDirectionMovementSystem : ComponentSystem {
    private EntityQuery query;
    protected override void OnCreate() {
        this.query = GetEntityQuery(typeof(Position), typeof(StraightDirectionMovement));
    protected override void OnUpdate() {
        this.Entities.With(this.query).ForEach(delegate(ref Position position, ref StraightDirectionMovement movement) {
            position.value = position.value + (movement.speed * Time.deltaTime * movement.direction);


public struct ProjectileMotionMovement : IComponentData {
    public readonly float initialVelocity;
    public readonly float angle;
    public readonly float gravity;
    public readonly float vX;
    public readonly float vYPart;
    public float polledTime;
    public ProjectileMotionMovement(float initialVelocity, float angle, float gravity) {
        this.initialVelocity = initialVelocity;
        this.angle = angle;
        this.gravity = gravity;
        // Cache
        this.vX = this.initialVelocity * math.cos(this.angle);
        this.vYPart = this.initialVelocity * math.sin(this.angle);
        this.polledTime = 0;
public class ProjectileMotionMovementSystem : ComponentSystem {
    private EntityQuery query;
    protected override void OnCreate() {
        this.query = GetEntityQuery(typeof(Position), typeof(ProjectileMotionMovement));
    protected override void OnUpdate() {
        this.Entities.With(this.query).ForEach(delegate(ref Position position, ref ProjectileMotionMovement movement) {
            // Move by projectile motion
            movement.polledTime += Time.deltaTime;
            float2 newPosition = position.value;
            newPosition.x += movement.vX * Time.deltaTime;
            float vY = movement.vYPart - movement.gravity * movement.polledTime;
            newPosition.y += vY * Time.deltaTime;
            position.value = newPosition;


// A tag component that identifies an entity to be removed on collision
public struct DestroyOnCollision : IComponentData {
public class DestroyOnCollisionSystem : ComponentSystem {
    private EntityQuery query;
    protected override void OnCreate() {
        this.query = GetEntityQuery(typeof(Collided), typeof(DestroyOnCollision));
    protected override void OnUpdate() {
        // Just destroy them


public struct RequestParticleEffectOnCollision : IComponentData {
    // Used to identify what particle effect to deploy
    public readonly int effectId;
    public RequestParticleEffectOnCollision(int effectId) {
        this.effectId = effectId;
public class RequestParticleEffectOnCollisionSystem : ComponentSystem {
    private EntityQuery query;
    protected override void OnCreate() {
        this.query = GetEntityQuery(typeof(Position), typeof(Collided), typeof(RequestParticleEffectOnCollision));
    protected override void OnUpdate() {
        this.Entities.With(this.query).ForEach(delegate(ref Position position, ref RequestParticleEffectOnCollision effectRequest) {
            // Request the particle effect at position.value
        // Destruction of the entity will now be handled by DestroyOnCollisionSystem


Entity bullet = entityManager.CreateEntity(typeof(Position), 

  请注意,我们已经完全删除了 "子弹 "的概念。现在,一颗子弹是由构成其行为的部件组成的。这对火球也是一样的:

Entity fireball = entityManager.CreateEntity(typeof(Position), 




来源: https://blog.csdn.net/u013716859/article/details/118396256

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