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CS186 Project 4: SimpleDB Transactions

2021-06-19 19:34:38  阅读:163  来源: 互联网

标签:SimpleDB 事务 transaction return pid Project tid CS186 page

CS186 Project 4: SimpleDB Transactions

In this project, you will implement a simple locking-based transaction system in SimpleDB. You will need to add lock and unlock calls at the appropriate places in your code, as well as code to track the locks held by each transaction and grant locks to transactions as they are needed.


Transactions, Locking, and Concurrency Control



The ACID Properties

To help you understand how transaction management works in SimpleDB, we briefly review how it ensures that the ACID properties are satisfied:

  • Atomicity: Strict two-phase locking and careful buffer management ensure atomicity.
  • Consistency: The database is transaction consistent by virtue of atomicity. Other consistency issues (e.g., key constraints) are not addressed in SimpleDB.
  • Isolation: Strict two-phase locking provides isolation.
  • Durability: A FORCE buffer management policy ensures durability (see Section 2.3 below).





Recovery and Buffer Management

To simplify your job, we recommend that you implement a NO STEAL/FORCE buffer management policy. As we discussed in class, this means that:

  • You shouldn't evict dirty (updated) pages from the buffer pool if they are locked by an uncommitted transaction (this is NO STEAL).
  • On transaction commit, you should force dirty pages to disk (e.g., write the pages out) (this is FORCE).

实施NO STEAL / FORCE缓冲区管理策略。需要做的是:

  • 如果脏页被未提交的事务锁定,则不应从缓冲池中清除脏页(这是NO STEAL)。
  • 在事务提交时,您应将脏页强行插入磁盘(例如,将页面写出)(这是FORCE)。

Granting Locks

You will need to add calls to SimpleDB (in BufferPool, for example), that allow a caller to request or release a (shared or exclusive) lock on a specific object on behalf of a specific transaction.

We recommend locking at page granularity, though you should be able to implement locking at tuple granularity if you wish (please do not implement table-level locking). The rest of this document and our unit tests assume page-level locking.

You will need to create data structures that keep track of which locks each transaction holds and that check to see if a lock should be granted to a transaction when it is requested.

You will need to implement shared and exclusive locks; recall that these work as follows:

  • Before a transaction can read an object, it must have a shared lock on it.
  • Before a transaction can write an object, it must have an exclusive lock on it.
  • Multiple transactions can have a shared lock on an object.
  • Only one transaction may have an exclusive lock on an object.
  • If transaction t is the only transaction holding a shared lock on an object o, t may upgrade its lock on o to an exclusive lock.



  • 在事务可以读取对象之前,它必须具有共享锁。
  • 在事务可以写入对象之前,它必须具有互斥锁。
  • 多个事务可以在一个对象上拥有一个共享锁。
  • 只有一个事务可以在对象上具有互斥锁。
  • 如果事务t是唯一持有对象o共享锁的事务,则t可以将其对o的锁升级为互斥锁。


这里先说几个重要的辅助类, Permission.javaLockState.java LockManager.java


 * Class representing requested permissions to a relation/file.
 * Private constructor with two static objects READ_ONLY and READ_WRITE that
 * represent the two levels of permission.
public class Permissions {
  int permLevel;

  private Permissions(int permLevel) {
    this.permLevel = permLevel;

  public String toString() {
    if (permLevel == 0)
      return "READ_ONLY";
    if (permLevel == 1)
      return "READ_WRITE";
    return "UNKNOWN";

  public static final Permissions READ_ONLY = new Permissions(0);
  public static final Permissions READ_WRITE = new Permissions(1);




    private TransactionId tid;
    private Permissions perm;




    private Map<PageId, List<LockState>> lockStateMap;

    private Map<TransactionId, PageId> waitingInfo;
        public LockManager() {
        lockStateMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
        waitingInfo = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();


LockManagerlock()方法对某个页面上锁,将它加入lockStateMap中,并从等待waitingInfo中移除, waitingInfo中保留的是等待信息,即某个事务在等待某个页面,当这个页面被当前事务锁定,对应的映射就应该从waitingInfo中移除,因为事务已经使用上某个页面,而不是一直在等待,因此这个事务就应该从当前的等待队列中移除.

    private synchronized boolean lock(PageId pid, TransactionId tid, Permissions perm) {
        LockState nls = new LockState(tid, perm);
        ArrayList<LockState> list = (ArrayList<LockState>) lockStateMap.get(pid);
        if (list == null) {
            list = new ArrayList<>();
        lockStateMap.put(pid, list);
        return true;



    public synchronized boolean unlock(TransactionId tid, PageId pid) {
        ArrayList<LockState> list = (ArrayList<LockState>) lockStateMap.get(pid);
        if (list == null || list.size() == 0) return false;
        LockState ls = getLockState(tid, pid);
        if (ls == null) return false;
        lockStateMap.put(pid, list);
        return true;



    private synchronized boolean wait(TransactionId tid, PageId pid) {
        waitingInfo.put(tid, pid);
        return false;



  • 如果LockState的list不为空:

    • 如果LockState的list长度为1:
      • 如果这个唯一的锁是自己的锁:
        • 如果是读锁,那就直接返回,否则就是自己的写锁,那就上读锁
      • 这个唯一的锁不是自己的锁:
        • 如果是别人的读锁,那可以加锁并返回,否则就是别人的写锁,那就等待
    • LockState的list长度不为1,而是多个:
      • 如果有个写锁:
        • 如果是自己的锁,那就返回true,否则就是别人的写锁,那就等待
      • 否则,如果是自己的读锁:
        • 直接返回true
    • 遍历后还是没有返回,说明都是别的transaction的读锁,那就上自己的读锁
  • 否则pid对应的LockState的list为空,那么说明这个页面没有加任何的锁,可以直接加锁,加锁就只是改变lockStateMap的状态了,不涉及是否有锁的判断.

    public synchronized boolean grantSLock(TransactionId tid, PageId pid) {
        ArrayList<LockState> list = (ArrayList<LockState>) lockStateMap.get(pid);
        if (list != null && list.size() != 0) {
            if (list.size() == 1) {//pid上只有一个锁
                LockState ls = list.iterator().next();
                if (ls.getTid().equals(tid)) {//判断是否为自己的锁
                    return ls.getPerm() == Permissions.READ_ONLY || lock(pid, tid, Permissions.READ_ONLY);
                } else {
                    return ls.getPerm() == Permissions.READ_ONLY ? lock(pid, tid, Permissions.READ_ONLY) : wait(tid, pid);
            } else {
                // 1.两个锁,且都属于tid(一读一写)    2.两个锁,且都属于非tid的事务(一读一写)
                // 3.多个读锁,且其中有一个为tid的读锁  4.多个读锁,且没有tid的读锁
                for (LockState ls : list) {
                    if (ls.getPerm() == Permissions.READ_WRITE) {
                        return ls.getTid().equals(tid) || wait(tid, pid);
                    } else if (ls.getTid().equals(tid)) {//如果是读锁且是tid的
                        return true;//情况3在此返回,也可能是情况1(如果先遍历到读锁)
                return lock(pid, tid, Permissions.READ_ONLY);
        } else {
            return lock(pid, tid, Permissions.READ_ONLY);



  • 如果LockState的数组不为空:
    • 如果LockState的长度为1,说明只有一个锁:
      • 如果是自己的写锁,直接返回,否则即为自己的读锁,上面说了共享锁可以升级为互斥锁,因此选择上锁
      • 否则则是别人的锁,等待
    • 否则即有多个锁:
      • 如果只有两个锁:
        • 如果这两个锁有自己的写锁,直接返回true
      • 其他情况(多个读锁,两个锁都属于其他事务):都应该等待
    public synchronized boolean grantXLock(TransactionId tid, PageId pid) {
        ArrayList<LockState> list = (ArrayList<LockState>) lockStateMap.get(pid);
        if (list != null && list.size() != 0) {
            if (list.size() == 1) {//如果pid上只有一个锁
                LockState ls = list.iterator().next();
                return ls.getTid().equals(tid) ? ls.getPerm() == Permissions.READ_WRITE || lock(pid, tid, Permissions.READ_WRITE) : wait(tid, pid);
            } else {
                // 1.两个锁,且都属于tid(一读一写) 2.两个锁,且都属于非tid的事务(一读一写) 3.多个读锁
                if (list.size() == 2) {
                    for (LockState ls : list) {
                        if (ls.getTid().equals(tid) && ls.getPerm() == Permissions.READ_WRITE) {
                            return true;//两个锁而且有一个自己的写锁
                return wait(tid, pid);
        } else {//pid上没有锁,可以加写锁
            return lock(pid, tid, Permissions.READ_WRITE);
  • Modify getPage() to block and acquire the desired lock before returning a page.
  • Implement releasePage(). This method is primarily used for testing, and at the end of transactions.
  • Implement holdsLock() so that logic in Exercise 2 can determine whether a page is already locked by a transaction.


    public Page getPage(TransactionId tid, PageId pid, Permissions perm)
            throws TransactionAbortedException, DbException, InterruptedException {
        // some code goes here
        boolean result = (perm == Permissions.READ_ONLY) ? lockManager.grantSLock(tid, pid)
                : lockManager.grantXLock(tid, pid);
        while (!result) {
            if (lockManager.deadlockOccurred(tid, pid)) {
                throw new TransactionAbortedException();
            result = (perm == Permissions.READ_ONLY) ? lockManager.grantSLock(tid, pid)
                    : lockManager.grantXLock(tid, pid);

        HeapPage page = (HeapPage) lruPagesPool.get(pid);
        if (page != null) {//直接命中
            return page;
        HeapFile table = (HeapFile) Database.getCatalog().getDbFile(pid.getTableId());
        HeapPage newPage = (HeapPage) table.readPage(pid);
        Page removedPage = lruPagesPool.put(pid, newPage);
        if (removedPage != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
        return newPage;


    public synchronized void releasePage(TransactionId tid, PageId pid) {
        // some code goes here
        // not necessary for proj1
        if (!lockManager.unlock(tid, pid)) {
            //pid does not locked by any transaction
            //or tid  dose not lock the page pid
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();


     * Return true if the specified transaction has a lock on the specified page
    public boolean holdsLock(TransactionId tid, PageId p) {
        // some code goes here
        // not necessary for proj1
        return lockManager.getLockState(tid, p) != null;

Lock Lifetime


Ensure that you acquire and release locks throughout SimpleDB. Some (but not necessarily all) actions that you should verify work properly:

  • Reading tuples off of pages during a SeqScan (if you implemented locking in BufferPool.getPage(), this should work correctly as long as your HeapFile.iterator() uses BufferPool.getPage().)
  • Inserting and deleting tuples through BufferPool and HeapFile methods (if you implemented locking in BufferPool.getPage(), this should work correctly as long as HeapFile.insertTuple() and HeapFile.deleteTuple() use BufferPool.getPage().)



page = (HeapPage) Database.getBufferPool().getPage(tid, pid, Permissions.READ_ONLY);


    public ArrayList<Page> insertTuple(TransactionId tid, Tuple t)
            throws DbException, IOException, TransactionAbortedException {
        // some code goes here
        ArrayList<Page> affectedPages = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < numPages(); i++) {
//            HeapPageId pid = new HeapPageId(getId(), i);
            HeapPageId pid = new HeapPageId(getId(), i);
            HeapPage page = null;
            try {
                page = (HeapPage) Database.getBufferPool().getPage(tid, pid, Permissions.READ_WRITE);
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            if (page.getNumEmptySlots() != 0) {
                page.markDirty(true, tid);
        if (affectedPages.size() == 0) {//说明page都已经满了
//            HeapPageId npid = new HeapPageId(getId(), numPages());
            HeapPageId npid = new HeapPageId(getId(), numPages());
            HeapPage blankPage = new HeapPage(npid, HeapPage.createEmptyPageData());
            HeapPage newPage = null;
            try {
                newPage = (HeapPage) Database.getBufferPool().getPage(tid, npid, Permissions.READ_WRITE);
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            newPage.markDirty(true, tid);
        return affectedPages;
        // not necessary for proj1


    public Page deleteTuple(TransactionId tid, Tuple t) throws DbException,
            TransactionAbortedException {
        // some code goes here
        PageId pid = t.getRecordId().getPageId();
        HeapPage affectedPage = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < numPages(); i++) {
            if (i == pid.pageNumber()) {
                try {
                    affectedPage = (HeapPage) Database.getBufferPool().getPage(tid, pid, Permissions.READ_WRITE);
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                affectedPage.markDirty(true, tid);
        if (affectedPage == null) {
            throw new DbException("tuple " + t + " is not in this table");
        return affectedPage;

Implementing NO STEAL

如果脏页被未提交的事务锁定,则不应从缓冲池中清除脏页(这是NO STEAL)

Modifications from a transaction are written to disk only after it commits. This means we can abort a transaction by discarding the dirty pages and rereading them from disk. Thus, we must not evict dirty pages. This policy is called NO STEAL.

事务的修改仅在提交后才写入磁盘。这意味着我们可以通过丢弃脏页并从磁盘重新读取它们来中止事务。因此,我们绝不能驱逐脏页。这项政策称为“NO STEAL”。



In SimpleDB, a TransactionId object is created at the beginning of each query. This object is passed to each of the operators involved in the query. When the query is complete, the BufferPool method transactionComplete is called.

Calling this method either commits or aborts the transaction, specified by the parameter flag commit. At any point during its execution, an operator may throw a TransactionAbortedException exception, which indicates an internal error or deadlock has occurred. The test cases we have provided you with create the appropriate TransactionId objects, pass them to your operators in the appropriate way, and invoke transactionComplete when a query is finished. We have also implemented TransactionId.

SimpleDB中,在每个查询的开头创建一个TransactionId对象。该对象传递给查询中涉及的每个运算符。查询完成后,将调用BufferPooltransactionComplete方法。 调用此方法将提交或中止事务(提交或中止由参数标志commit指定)。在执行过程中的任何时候,当方式发生内部错误或死锁, 操作符可能引发TransactionAbortedException异常。在测试用例中将创建适当的TransactionId对象,以适当的方式将其传递给操作符,并在查询完成后调用transactionComplete

Implement the transactionComplete() method in BufferPool. Note that there are two versions of transactionComplete, one which accepts an additional boolean commit argument, and one which does not. The version without the additional argument should always commit and so can simply be implemented by calling transactionComplete(tid, true).

When you commit, you should flush dirty pages associated to the transaction to disk. When you abort, you should revert any changes made by the transaction by restoring the page to its on-disk state.


Whether the transaction commits or aborts, you should also release any state the BufferPool keeps regarding the transaction, including releasing any locks that the transaction held.


At this point, your code should pass the TransactionTest unit test and the AbortEvictionTest system test. You may find the TransactionTest system test illustrative, but it will likely fail until you complete the next exercise.


     * Commit or abort a given transaction; release all locks associated to
     * the transaction.
     * @param tid    the ID of the transaction requesting the unlock
     * @param commit a flag indicating whether we should commit or abort
    public synchronized void transactionComplete(TransactionId tid, boolean commit)
            throws IOException {
        // some code goes here
        if (commit) {
        } else {
     * 在事务回滚时,撤销该事务对page造成的改变
     * @param tid
    public synchronized void revertTransactionAction(TransactionId tid) {
        Iterator<Page> it = lruPagesPool.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Page p = it.next();
            if (p.isDirty() != null && p.isDirty().equals(tid)) {


     * 将pid对应的page从磁盘中再次读入,即将其恢复为磁盘中该page的状态
     * @param pid
    public synchronized void reCachePage(PageId pid) {
        if (!isCached(pid)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        HeapFile table = (HeapFile) Database.getCatalog().getDbFile(pid.getTableId());
        HeapPage originalPage = (HeapPage) table.readPage(pid);
        Node node = new Node(pid, originalPage);
        cachedEntries.put(pid, node);
        Node toRemoved = head;
        while (!(toRemoved = toRemoved.next).key.equals(pid)) ;
        node.front = toRemoved.front;
        node.next = toRemoved.next;
        toRemoved.front.next = node;
        if (toRemoved.next != null) {
            toRemoved.next.front = node;
        } else {
            tail = node;

Deadlocks and Aborts

It is possible for transactions in SimpleDB to deadlock (if you do not understand why, we recommend reading about deadlocks in Ramakrishnan & Gehrke). You will need to detect this situation and throw a TransactionAbortedException.

There are many possible ways to detect deadlock. For example, you may implement a simple timeout policy that aborts a transaction if it has not completed after a given period of time. Alternately, you may implement cycle-detection in a dependency graph data structure. In this scheme, you would check for cycles in a dependency graph whenever you attempt to grant a new lock, and abort something if a cycle exists.


After you have detected that a deadlock exists, you must decide how to improve the situation. Assume you have detected a deadlock while transaction t is waiting for a lock. If you're feeling homicidal, you might abort all transactions that t is waiting for; this may result in a large amount of work being undone, but you can guarantee that t will make progress. Alternately, you may decide to abort t to give other transactions a chance to make progress. This means that the end-user will have to retry transaction t.



At this point, you should have a recoverable database, in the sense that if the database system crashes (at a point other than transactionComplete()) or if the user explicitly aborts a transaction, the effects of any running transaction will not be visible after the system restarts (or the transaction aborts.) You may wish to verify this by running some transactions and explicitly killing the database server.



     * 通过检测资源的依赖图根据是否存在环来判断是否已经陷入死锁
     * 具体实现:本事务tid需要检测“正在等待的资源的拥有者是否已经直接或间接的在等待本事务tid已经拥有的资源”
     * <p>
     * 如图,括号内P1,P2,P3为资源,T1,T2,T3为事务
     * 虚线以及其上的字母R加上箭头组成了拥有关系,如果是字母W则代表正在等待写锁
     * 例如下图左上方T1到P1的一连串符号表示的是T1此时拥有P1的读锁
     * 图的边缘可以是虚线的转折点,例如为了表示T2正在等待P1
     * <p>
     * //     T1---R-->P1<-------
     * //                       W
     * //  ----------------------
     * //  W
     * //  ---T2---R-->P2<-------
     * //                       W
     * //  ----------------------
     * //  W
     * //  ---T3---R-->P3
     * <p>
     * 上图的含义是,Ti拥有了对Pi的读锁(1<=i<=3)
     * 因为T1在P1上有了读锁,所以T2正在等待P1的写锁
     * 同理,T3正在等待P2的写锁
     * <p>
     * 现在假设的情景是,此时T1要申请对P3的写锁,进入等待,这将会造成死锁
     * 判断tid是否直接或间接地在等待pids中的某个资源
     * @param tid
     * @param pids
     * @param toRemove 需要排除toRemove来判断,具体原因见方法内部注释;
     *                 事实上,toRemove就是leadToDeadLock()的参数tid,也就是要排除它自己对判断过程的影响
     * @return
    private synchronized boolean isWaitingResources(TransactionId tid, List<PageId> pids, TransactionId toRemove) {
        PageId waitingPage = waitingInfo.get(tid);
        if (waitingPage == null) {
            return false;
        for (PageId pid : pids) {
            if (pid.equals(waitingPage)) {
                return true;
        List<LockState> holders = lockStateMap.get(waitingPage);
        if (holders == null || holders.size() == 0) return false;//该资源没有拥有者
        for (LockState ls : holders) {
            TransactionId holder = ls.getTid();
            if (!holder.equals(toRemove)) {//去掉toRemove,在toRemove刚好拥有waitingResource的读锁时就需要
                boolean isWaiting = isWaitingResources(holder, pids, toRemove);
                if (isWaiting) return true;
        return false;




        for (PageId pid : pids) {
            if (pid.equals(waitingPage)) {
                return true;


     * 导致死锁的本质原因就是将等待的资源(P3)的拥有者(T3)间接的在等待T1拥有的资源(P1)
     * 下面方法的注释以这个例子为基础,具体解释这个方法是如何判断出“T1在P3上的等待已经造成了死锁”的
     * @param tid
     * @param pid
     * @return true表示进入了死锁,false表示没有
    public synchronized boolean deadlockOccurred(TransactionId tid, PageId pid) {//T1为tid,P3为pid
        List<LockState> holders = lockStateMap.get(pid);
        if (holders == null || holders.size() == 0) {
            return false;
        List<PageId> pids = getAllLocksByTid(tid);//找出T1拥有的所有资源,即只含有P1的list
        for (LockState ls : holders) {
            // 这里就是找到占领了当前pid的transaction
            TransactionId holder = ls.getTid();
            // 虽然这一步还是没太看明白,但至少没啥矛盾的,因为本来就是tid要去请求pid嘛,照理说不至于在holder里面已经出现了,但也有可能,所以还是排除掉吧
            if (!holder.equals(tid)) {
                boolean isWaiting = isWaitingResources(holder, pids, tid);
                if (isWaiting) {
                    return true;
        return false;

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/zhengxch/p/14904629.html

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