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考题篇(6.4) 02 ❀ 企业防火墙 ❀ Fortinet 网络安全架构师 NSE7

2021-06-18 15:31:35  阅读:174  来源: 互联网

标签:02 get IP 0.2 NSE cluster 6.4 169.254 HA

 View the exhibit, which contains the output of get sys ha status, and then answer the question below. 〖查看下列图片,其中包含get sys ha status的输出,然后回答下面的问题。〗

  Which statements are correct regarding the output? (Choose two.) 〖哪些关于输出的语句是正确的?(选择两个)〗

  A. The slave configuration is not synchronized with the master. 〖备机配置没有与主机同步。〗

  B. The HA management IP is 〖HA管理IP为169.254.0.2。〗

  C. Master is selected because it is the only device in the cluster. 〖选择主机是因为它是集群中唯一的设备。〗

  D. port 7 is used the HA heartbeat on all devices in the cluster. 〖port7用于集群内所有设备的HA心跳。〗<

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/meigang2012/article/details/117438420

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