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2019-07-23 13:42:18  阅读:175  来源: 互联网

标签:fp sum 端口 argv C语言 CentOS7 result printf sizeof



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>

int daemon(int nochdir, int noclose);
int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
	daemon(1, 1);
	//load parameters
	char s_outputdir[100];
	char s_result[20];
	char s_command[strlen("iftop -nNtP -s 60 2>/dev/null | grep 65536 | cut -d b -f4 | sed 's/ //g' | grep B | sed -e '/Cumulative/d'") + 1];
	double d_sum = 5;	//borrow it to make a count below in checking whether process exist.
	sprintf(s_command, "ps aux | grep %s | sed -e '/grep/d'", argv[0]);
	FILE *fp = NULL;
	fp = popen(s_command, "r");
	while(d_sum --)fgets(s_outputdir, sizeof(s_result) - 1, fp);	//borrow it to store some data temply.
	memset(s_result, 0, sizeof(s_result));
	fgets(s_result, sizeof(s_result) - 1, fp);
		printf("\nprocess already exists!\n");
		return 1;
	//printf("%d", argc);	//when you enter 2 paras, it should be 3 now.
	if(argc != 4 && argc != 2)
		printf("\nwrong parameter numbers!\n");
		return 1;
	//printf("%s\n", argv[1]);
	if(!strcmp(argv[1], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[1], "--help"))
		printf("\nUsage:[command dir] <second> <port number> <file name>\n");
		return 0;
	if(atoi(argv[1]) > 60 || atoi(argv[1]) <= 0)
		printf("\nsecond larger than 1 min or less than 1 sec.!\n");
		return 1;
	if(atoi(argv[2]) > 65536 || atoi(argv[2]) <= 0)
		printf("\nport number should be smaller than 65536 and larger than 0!\n");
		return 1;
	strcpy(s_outputdir, argv[3]);
	//printf("%s %s\n", s_second, s_portnumber);
	//prepare for the shell cmd.
	sprintf(s_command,"iftop -nNtP -s %s 2>/dev/null | grep %s | cut -d b -f4 | sed 's/ //g' | grep B | sed -e '/Cumulative/d'", argv[1], argv[2]);
	//printf("%s\n", s_command);
	//do iftop
	while(1){       //make a daemon.
	fp = NULL;
	fp = popen(s_command, "r");
		printf("\ndoing shell error!\n");
		return 1;
	memset(s_result, 0, sizeof(s_result));
	d_sum = 0;
	//load result and make a sum.
	while(fgets(s_result, sizeof(s_result) - 1, fp))
		//printf("%s %d\n", s_result, strlen(s_result));	//when result is 1.76MB, strlen is 7.
		if(s_result[0] == 'B' || s_result[0]=='K' || s_result[0] == 'M')continue;
		else if(s_result[strlen(s_result) - 3] == 'M'){d_sum += atof(s_result);continue;}
		else if(s_result[strlen(s_result) - 3] == 'K'){d_sum += atof(s_result)/1000;continue;}
		else {d_sum += atof(s_result)/1000000;continue;}
	//printf("\nbefore open the file:%f\n",d_sum);
	//output sum to a file.
	fp = NULL;
	fp = fopen(s_outputdir, "r");
	//printf("opened the file with ro.\n");
	memset(s_result, 0, sizeof(s_result));
	if(!fp)printf("\nno file exist! trying to create one.\n");
		fgets(s_result, sizeof(s_result) - 1, fp);	//we borrow s_result to load the old sum.
		//printf("closed the file in ro.\n");
	fp = NULL;
	//printf("opened the file in wo\n");
	fp = fopen(s_outputdir, "w");
	//printf("\nold:%fMB\n", d_sum);
	//printf("\nnew:%fMB\n", d_sum);
	fprintf(fp,"%fMB\n", d_sum);
	//printf("closed the file.\n");
return 0;

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/u011570312/article/details/96986573

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