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2022-01-23 15:31:50  阅读:154  来源: 互联网

标签:ip reason value kafka nginx host faust key error


nginx节点日志通过syslog发送至syslog server,syslog server进行格式处理后作为生产者,把日志流send至kafka 对应的topic上。


import faust
import redis
from feishuRobot import feishuRobot
from datetime import timedelta
from log import logger
from config.config import ReadConfig

    obj = ReadConfig()
    conf = obj.get_config()
    logger.info("load config file successful")
except Exception as r:
    logger.error('Fail to load config file: {reason}', reason=r)

    pool = redis.ConnectionPool(host=conf['redis']['address'], port=conf['redis']['port'], decode_responses=True, password=conf['redis']['password'] )
    obj_r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=pool)

except Exception as r:
    logger.error("Fail to connection redis poll: {reason}", reason=r)

app = faust.App(
    broker= conf['kafka']['access_broker'],

class Transfer(faust.Record):
    from_host_ip: str
    level: str
    #message: str
    reason: str
    logtime: str

#def master_processor(key, events):
    #timestamp = key[1][0]
    #for event in events:

record_error = app.Table(
#).tumbling(timedelta(minutes=1), expires=timedelta(minutes=1)).relative_to_stream()
).tumbling(conf['faust']['window_size'], expires=conf['faust']['expires'], key_index=True).relative_to_stream()

error_topic = app.topic('sec-waf-error-log', value_type=Transfer)

async def greet(stream):
    #async for value in stream.filter(lambda x: x.status == '200' ).group_by(Transfer.from_host_ip):
    async for value in stream:
        master_to_total[value.from_host_ip] += 1
    #async for value in stream.group_by(Transfer.from_host_ip):
    #upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading response header from upstream
    #httpApi_action(): httpApi_action[push_count_dict] error: failed to commit the pipelined (push_count_dict) requests: timeout, context: ngx.timer
    #upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header from upstream
    # connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream
    #access forbidden by rule,
    #recv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while proxying upgraded connection

        feishu = feishuRobot()
    except Exception as r:
        logger.error("Fail to init feishuRobot object: {reason}", reason=r)

    async for value in stream.filter(lambda x: x.level == "error"):
        #print("attack: ", value)
        record_error['{value.from_host_ip}'] += 1

        v = record_error['{value.from_host_ip}']
        if v.now() >= 10:
            msg = ""
            err_key = ""

            if "recv() failed (110: Connection timed out) while reading response header from upstream" in value.reason:
                err_key = "error_" + value.from_host_ip + "_Connection_timed_out" 
                msg += "级别: 中\r\n" 

            elif "recv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading response header from upstream" in value.reason:
                err_key = "error_" + value.from_host_ip + "_Connection_reset_peer" 
                msg += "级别: 中\r\n" 

            elif "upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header from upstream" in value.reason:
                err_key = "error_" + value.from_host_ip + "_prematurely_closed_connection"
                msg += "级别: 中\r\n" 

            elif "access forbidden by rule" in value.reason:
                err_key = "error_" + value.from_host_ip + "_access_forbidden_rule"
                msg += "级别: 低\r\n" 

            elif "connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream" in value.reason:
                errr_key = "error_" + value.from_host_ip + "_Connection_refused"
                msg += "级别: 中\r\n" 

            elif "client intended to send too large body" in value.reason:
                err_key = "error_" + value.from_host_ip + "_send_too_large_body"
                msg += "级别: 低\r\n" 

            elif "failed to commit the pipelined (push_count_dict)" in value.reason:
                err_key = "error_" + value.from_host_ip + "_commit_the_pipelined"
                msg += "级别: 低\r\n" 

            elif "could not build optimal server_names_hash" in value.reason: #warning
                err_key = "warn_" + value.from_host_ip + "_optimal_server_names_hash"
                msg += "级别: 低\r\n" 

            elif "no live upstreams while connecting to upstream" in value.reason:
                err_key = "error_" + value.from_host_ip + "_no_live_upstreams"
                msg += "级别: 高\r\n" 

            elif "SSL_do_handshake() failed" in value.reason:
                err_key = "error_" + value.from_host_ip + "_SSL_do_handshake"
                msg += "级别: 高\r\n" 

            if obj_r.get(err_key) is not None:
                obj_r.set(err_key, str(v.now()))
                obj_r.set(err_key, str(v.now()))
                obj_r.expire(err_key, conf['redis']['record_expire'])

                msg += "waf节点: " + value.from_host_ip + "\r\n"
                msg += "错误信息" + value.reason + "\r\n"
                msg += "时间: " + value.logtime + "\r\n"
                msg += "错误日志频率: 2分钟" + str(v.now()) + "次\r\n"
if __name__ == '__main__':

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/realmardrid/article/details/122651853

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