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TimescaleDB Windows安装笔记

2021-11-18 13:31:17  阅读:190  来源: 互联网

标签:11 13 21 settings Windows 18 笔记 TimescaleDB 2021

  1. 原始文档地址:https://docs.timescale.com/timescaledb/latest/how-to-guides/install-timescaledb/self-hosted/windows/installation-windows/#installation-windows
  2. PostgreSQL安装的过程中,发现数据库实例没有初始化成功,手动初始化见:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_36294121/article/details/117654849 ,之前初始化失败的原因似乎是因为刚开始locale选成了大陆简体中文
  3. setup脚本安装过程中,多次出现dll copy因权限原因失败,解决办法,是用管理员身份运行那个setup脚本。
  4. 下面是安装日志,从中可以看出具体做了哪些操作
2021/11/18 13:21:32 WELCOME to TimescaleDB Windows installer!
2021/11/18 13:21:32 timescaledb-tune is a program that modifies your postgresql.conf configuration to be optimized for your machine's resources.
Do you want to run timescaledb-tune.exe now? [(y)es / (n)o]: y
Please enter the path to your postgresql.conf:
== Using postgresql.conf at this path:

== Writing backup to:

SUCCESS: shared_preload_libraries is set correctly

-- Tune memory/parallelism/WAL and other settings? [(y)es/(n)o]: y
== Recommendations based on 15.86 GB of available memory and 12 CPUs for PostgreSQL 14

== Memory settings recommendations
SUCCESS: memory settings are already tuned

== Parallelism settings recommendations
SUCCESS: parallelism settings are already tuned

== WAL settings recommendations
SUCCESS: WAL settings are already tuned

== Miscellaneous settings recommendations
SUCCESS: miscellaneous settings are already tuned
== Saving changes to: D:\Dev\PostgreSQL\14\data\postgresql.conf
2021/11/18 13:21:48 Installing TimescaleDB library files...
2021/11/18 13:21:48 Success!
2021/11/18 13:21:48 Installing TimescaleDB control file...
2021/11/18 13:21:48 Success!
2021/11/18 13:21:48 Installing TimescaleDB SQL files...
2021/11/18 13:21:49 Success!
TimescaleDB installation completed successfully.
Press ENTER/Return key to close...

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/dhcn/p/15571916.html

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