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2022-01-24 02:31:24  阅读:195  来源: 互联网

标签:01 Slave log thread No Running master channel



1. 在配置slave同步时因为slave访问master没有权限导致;

2. master上的mysql-bin.xxxxxx文件误删除;



查看日志文件: tail /var/log/mysqld.log

2022-01-23T17:52:40.193201Z 3 [Note] Slave SQL thread for channel '' initialized, starting replication in log 'mysql-bin.000001' at position 4, relay log './MiWiFi-R4CM-srv-relay-bin.000001' position: 4
2022-01-23T17:52:40.195821Z 2 [Note] Slave I/O thread for channel '': connected to master 'root@',replication started in log 'mysql-bin.000001' at position 4
2022-01-23T17:52:40.197235Z 2 [ERROR] Slave I/O for channel '': Fatal error: The slave I/O thread stops because master and slave have equal MySQL server UUIDs; these UUIDs must be different for replication to work. Error_code: 1593
2022-01-23T17:52:40.197247Z 2 [Note] Slave I/O thread exiting for channel '', read up to log 'mysql-bin.000001', position 4
2022-01-23T17:52:46.936852Z 4 [Note] Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
2022-01-23T17:53:28.859945Z 6 [Warning] IP address '' could not be resolved: Name or service not known
2022-01-23T18:09:12.012742Z 9 [Warning] Storing MySQL user name or password information in the master info repository is not secure and is therefore not recommended. Please consider using the USER and PASSWORD connection options for START SLAVE; see the 'START SLAVE Syntax' in the MySQL Manual for more information.
2022-01-23T18:09:12.014234Z 9 [Note] Slave I/O thread for channel '': connected to master 'root@',replication started in log 'mysql-bin.000001' at position 4
2022-01-23T18:09:12.015682Z 9 [ERROR] Slave I/O for channel '': Fatal error: The slave I/O thread stops because master and slave have equal MySQL server UUIDs; these UUIDs must be different for replication to work. Error_code: 1593
2022-01-23T18:09:12.015700Z 9 [Note] Slave I/O thread exiting for channel '', read up to log 'mysql-bin.000001', position 4

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/q1359720840/p/15838049.html

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