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javascript – 在单元格编辑中获取extjs中的行数据

2019-09-02 00:36:32  阅读:225  来源: 互联网

标签:javascript extjs


var incomeTaxOverrideModel = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([{
    id : 'fromDate',
    header : "From Date",
    dataIndex : 'fromDate',
    width : 80,
    renderer : drenderer,
    editor : this.fromDateEditor
}, {
    id : 'toDate',
    header : "To Date",
    dataIndex : 'toDate',
    width : 80,
    renderer : drenderer,
    editor : this.toDateEditor
}, {
    id : 'rawTax',
    header : "Raw Tax",
    dataIndex : 'rawTax',
    width : 80,
    align : 'right',
    selectOnFocus : true,
    editor : new Ext.form.NumberField({"blur":this.calculateTaxForword}),
    renderer : Gts.payItemRenderer()
}, {
    id : 'surcharge',
    header : "Surcharge",
    dataIndex : 'surcharge',
    width : 80,
    align : 'right',
    selectOnFocus : true,
    editor : new Ext.form.NumberField({}),
    renderer : Gts.payItemRenderer()
}, {
    id : 'cess',
    header : "Cess",
    dataIndex : 'cess',
    width : 80,
    align : 'right',
    selectOnFocus : true,
    editor : new Ext.form.NumberField({}),
    renderer : Gts.payItemRenderer()
}, {
    id : 'totalTax',
    header : "Total Tax",
    dataIndex : 'totalTax',
    width : 80,
    align : 'right',
    selectOnFocus : true,
    editor : new Ext.form.NumberField({}),
    renderer : Gts.payItemRenderer()
}, {
    id : 'taxAmount',
    header : "Taxable Income",
    dataIndex : 'taxAmount',
    width : 100,
    align : 'right',
    selectOnFocus : true,
    editor : new Ext.form.NumberField({}),
    renderer : Gts.payItemRenderer()
}, {
    id : 'remarks',
    header : "Remarks",
    dataIndex : 'remarks',
    width : 250,
    editor : new Ext.form.TextField({})
}, {
    id : 'modifiedDate',
    header : "Modified On",
    dataIndex : 'modifiedDate',
    width : 100,
    renderer : Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('d M Y h:i:s A'),
    width : 150


this.itoGrid = new Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel({
    store : this.itoStore,
    cm : incomeTaxOverrideModel,
    autoExpandColumn : 'remarks',
    autoScroll : true,
    containerScroll : true,
    frame : false,
    stripeRows : true,
    width : 830,
    height : 233,
    clicksToEdit : 1,
    layout : 'fit',
    loadMask : true,
    tbar : [this.addAction, this.deleteAction],
    trackMouseOver : true


calculateTaxForword :function(){





editor : Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing
e : Object
An edit event with the following properties:

grid - The grid
record - The record being edited
field - The field name being edited
value - The value for the field being edited.
row - The grid table row
column - The grid Column defining the column that is being edited.
rowIdx - The row index that is being edited
colIdx - The column index that is being edited
cancel - Set this to true to cancel the edit or return false from your handler.
eOpts : Object - The options object passed to Ext.util.Observable.addListener.

来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20190902/1787373.html

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