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c# – 使用具有匿名类型的LoadFromCollection进行epplus

2019-06-12 09:53:20  阅读:686  来源: 互联网

标签:c epplus

我有一个IEnumerable< object> dataSource包含一个匿名类型的集合.匿名类型的实际结构在设计时将不知道,所以我试图找到一个可以处理任何匿名类型的通用解决方案.


ws.Cells["A1"].LoadFromCollection(dataSource, true);


{ Id = 10000, Title = This is a test }


var members = dataSource.First().GetType().GetMembers();
ws.Cells["A1"].LoadFromCollection(this._dataSource, true,
    TableStyles.Medium1, BindingFlags.Public, members);


Supplied properties in parameter Properties must be of the same type as T



您可以对匿名类型进行分组,以便使用dataTables轻松导出. The bug“参数属性中提供的属性必须与T的类型相同”仍然存在且解决方法是使用DataTables.

// Imagine list is your main datasource
IEnumerable<object> list = Enumerable.Empty<object>(); // Data Source of <object>

// Added anon types at runtime added to the object list
var anonTypesOne = new object[] 
    new { GuidID = Guid.NewGuid(), StringProperty = "the string property" },
    new { IntegerID = 1, IntegerProperty = 99 }

var anonTypesTwo = new object[]
    new { StringID = "1", BooleanProperty = true, NumberProperty = 3, StringProperty = "Four" },
    new { GuidID = Guid.NewGuid(), NumberThree = 3 },
    new { GuidID = Guid.NewGuid(), NumberThree = 3 },
    new { GuidID = Guid.NewGuid(), NumberThree = 3 }

list = list.Concat(anonTypesOne).Concat(anonTypesTwo);

// Grouping works on anon types so we can group the export into their own tables
var groupings = list.GroupBy(i => i.GetType());

using(var package = new ExcelPackage(new FileInfo("C:\\Temp\\Anon.xlsx")))
    var ws = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Anonymous Types");

    // add each "anon type matched grouping"
    foreach(var grouping in groupings)
        var isNew = ws.Dimension == null; // the sheet is empty if Dimension is null.
        var row = 0;

            row = 1; // start from the first row
            // otherwise there are tables already, start from the bottom
            row = ws.Dimension.End.Row; 

        // because of EPP inheritance bug of T, we can just use dataTable
        DataTable dt = new DataTable(grouping.Key.Name);
        var properties = grouping.Key.GetProperties(); // Get anon type Properties

        foreach(var property in properties)

        foreach(var item in grouping.ToList())
            var dataRow = dt.NewRow();

            foreach(var p in properties) // populate a single row
                dataRow[p.Name] = p.GetValue(item); // item is anon object instance


        if(isNew) // load into the top most left cell of the worksheet
            ws.Cells[1, 1].LoadFromDataTable(dt, PrintHeaders: true);
        else // load from the dimension of current items + 1 row for spacing
            ws.Cells[ws.Dimension.End.Row + 1, 1].LoadFromDataTable(dt, PrintHeaders: true);

        ws.InsertRow(ws.Dimension.End.Row + 2, 5); // Insert some padding between each group



来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20190612/1225145.html

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