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python3 Crypto模块实例解析

2022-05-17 23:01:43  阅读:258  来源: 互联网

标签:AES obj text urandom Crypto 实例 encrypted message python3

一 模块简介 1.简介 python的Crypto模块是安全hash函数(例如SHA256 和RIPEMD160)以及各种主流的加解密算法的((AES, DES, RSA, ElGamal等)的集合。   二 实例解析   1.AES实例
from os import urandom
from Crypto.Cipher import AES

# For Generating cipher text
secret_key = urandom(16)
iv = urandom(16)
obj = AES.new(secret_key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)

# Encrypt the message
message = b'Xu sheng test me'
print('Original message is: ', message)
encrypted_text = obj.encrypt(message)
print('The encrypted text', encrypted_text)


Original message is:  b'Xu sheng test me'
The encrypted text b'\x80\xaf\x93\xef\xd6\xab\xe4t\xad\xdf\xfbgChSt'

2. AES解密

from os import urandom
from Crypto.Cipher import AES

# For Generating cipher text
secret_key = urandom(16)
iv = urandom(16)
obj = AES.new(secret_key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)

# Encrypt the message
message = b'Lorem Ipsum text'
print('Original message is: ', message)
encrypted_text = obj.encrypt(message)
print('The encrypted text', encrypted_text)

# Decrypt the message
rev_obj = AES.new(secret_key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
decrypted_text = rev_obj.decrypt(encrypted_text)
print('The decrypted text', decrypted_text.decode('utf-8'))
Original message is:  b'Lorem Ipsum text'
The encrypted text b'\xe9\xfcC\xb3\x132&n\xc7\xdeZe9\xeb\xab\xf3'
The decrypted text Lorem Ipsum text
三 注意事项 1.错误: TypeError: Object type <class 'str'> cannot be passed to C code 解决方案: AES_KEY、IV还有要加密的数据转换成bytes类型就可以了。

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/dylancao/p/16282771.html

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