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2021-08-27 01:32:40  阅读:284  来源: 互联网

标签:upper begin 验证 get 程序 bound long printf 输入



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

long get_long(void);

long square_sum(long num1, long num2);

bool get_range(long start, long end, long lower_bound, long upper_bound);

int main(void)
    long result;
    const long MIN = -10000L;
    const long MAX = +10000L;
    long begin, terminus;
    printf("the range is -10000 -- +10000.\n");
    printf("please input the lower_bound(0 to quit): ");
    begin = get_long();
    printf("please input the upper_bound(0 to quit): ");
    terminus = get_long();
    while(begin != 0 || terminus != 0)
        if(get_range(begin, terminus, MIN, MAX))
            printf("please try again.\n");
            result = square_sum(begin, terminus);
            printf("squre sum betweent %ld and %ld is %ld.\n",begin, terminus, result);
        printf("please input the lower_bound: ");
        begin = get_long();
        printf("please input the upper_bound: ");
        terminus = get_long();
    return 0;

long get_long(void)
    long num;
    char ch;
    while((scanf("%ld", &num)) != 1)
        while((ch = getchar()) != '\n')
        printf(" is not num.\n");
        printf("please input num: ");
    return num;

long square_sum(long num1, long num2)
    long square_sum;
    int i;
    for(i = num1; i <= num2; i++)
        square_sum += i * i;
    return square_sum;

bool get_range(long start, long end, long lower_bound, long upper_bound)
    bool tab = false;
    if(start > end)
        printf("start > end!!!!\n");
        tab = true;
    if(start < lower_bound || end < lower_bound)
        printf("start or end < lower_boudn.!!!!!!\n");
        tab = true;
    if(start > upper_bound || end > upper_bound)
        printf("start or upper > upper_bound.!!!!!\n");
        tab = true;
    return tab;


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/liujiaxin2018/p/15192223.html

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