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  • [渝粤教育] 西南科技大学 英语(A)1 在线考试复习资料2021-12-13 13:31:25

    英语(A)1——在线考试复习资料 一、单选题 1.----- Tom, this is Hack, Fred is ill in hospital. ----- Oh, _______________. A.It’s sad B.it’s bad C.I’m sorry to hear that D.that’s not good 2.I have no objection ________ the evening with them. A.to spend B.t

  • A Child's History of England.472021-12-01 17:33:38

    CHAPTER 13 ENGLAND UNDER RICHARD THE FIRST, CALLED THE LION-HEART In the year of our Lord one thousand one hundred and eighty-nine, [北宋: 960~1127] Richard of the Lion Heart succeeded to the throne of King Henry the Second, whose paternal heart he had done

  • 现代大学英语精读第二版(第六册)学习笔记(原文及全文翻译)——12 - Notes on the English Character(英国人性格的笔记)2021-11-26 14:34:23

    Unit 12 - Notes on the English Character Notes on the English Character E·M·Forster First note. I had better let the cat out of the bag at once and record my opinion that the character of the English is essentially middle class. There is sound historical

  • 【渝粤题库】陕西师范大学201671 高级英语(二)2021-11-23 09:30:40

    《高级英语(二)》作业 I.Explain the italicized words in English 1.Broke and discouraged, he accepted a job as reporter. 2.and rushing them through with a magnificent dash and daring 3.Casually he debunked revered artists and art treasures. 4.So monstrous

  • 【渝粤题库】陕西师范大学291003综合英语(三)作业(高起专、高起本)2021-11-21 09:04:50

    《综合英语三》作业 Matching. Read the following words and match them with the explanations in the right column. ( ) 1. inaudible A. to talk proudly ( ) 2. fragrance B. angry ( ) 3. boast C. the quality of being new ( ) 4. survive D. easily seen; standing

  • 【渝粤题库】国家开放大学2021春3896人文英语1题目2021-11-20 10:59:18

    试卷代号: 3896 2021年春季学期期末统一考试 人文英语1 试题 2021年7月 注意事项 一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带出考场。监考人收完考卷和答题纸后才可离开考场。 二、仔细读懂题目的

  • Have a Happy Drive with Exterior and Interior LED Lights2021-11-17 10:02:44

    A correct choice of interior and exterior accessories can never go wrong it will always make your car achieve a sense of betterment with looks and technical advancement. Since LEDs are fashionable and trending they are sprouting well in both interiors and

  • Essay写作3类明显的逻辑问题及破解方案2021-11-15 15:02:31


  • A Child's History of England.102021-11-13 22:35:15

    In the next reign, which was the reign of Edward, surnamed The Elder, who was chosen in council to succeed, a nephew of King Alfred troubled the country by trying to obtain the throne. The Danes in the East of England took part with this usurper (perhaps

  • A Child's History of England.82021-11-13 18:02:17

    CHAPTER 3 ENGLAND UNDER THE GOOD SAXON, ALFRED Alfred [born in 849 CE, 唐: 618年-907年] the Great was a young man, three-and-twenty years of age, when he became king. Twice in his childhood, he had been taken to Rome, where the Saxon nobles were in the habit

  • A Child's History of England.62021-11-13 15:33:54

    It was a British Prince named Vortigern who took this resolution, and who made a treaty of friendship with Hengist and Horsa, two Saxon chiefs. Both of these names, in the old Saxon language, signify Horse; for the Saxons, like many other nations in a rou

  • A Child's History of England.42021-11-13 12:03:20

    Still, the Britons would not yield. They rose again and again, and died by thousands, sword in hand. They rose, on every possible occasion. Suetonius, another Roman general, came, and stormed the Island of Anglesey (then called Mona), which was supposed t

  • a这个词根2021-11-10 20:31:17

    a是个词根,有三种意思:1. 以某种状态或方式,如: ablaze, afire, aflame, alight, aloud, alive, afloat等2. at, in, on, to sth,如: abed, aboard, abroad, ahead, afoot, ashore等3. not/without, 如: amoral, asexual, atypical等 船的甲板和车厢的地板是板(board),所以aboard是上板

  • vue3.x报警告:Path “/“ was passed with params but they will be ignored. Use a named route alongside ...2021-11-08 12:04:03

    版本号: vue/cli:4.5.12 @vue/cli-plugin-router: ~4.5.0 问题 以下写法会导致报警告: [Vue Router warn]: Path "/" was passed with params but they will be ignored. Use a named route alongside params instead. [Vue Router 警告]:路径“/”与参数一起传递,但它们将被忽略

  • 现代大学英语精读第二版(第四册)学习笔记(原文及全文翻译)——11A - Soldier‘s Heart(士兵心理症)2021-11-04 17:06:39

    Unit 11A - Soldier's Heart Soldier's Heart Louis Simpson It begins in France in June of 1944. Men are lying face down on the earth. The air is filled with sounds, shrieks that came out of the sky and terminate with an explosion. This may be a ma

  • Password expiration is dead, long live your passwords2021-11-02 10:31:19

    Password expiration is dead, long live your passwords May was a momentous month, which marked a victory for sanity and pragmatism over irrational paranoia. I’m obviously not talking about politics. I’m talking about Microsoft finally — finally! but credit

  • Delphi Records与classes几点不同2021-10-30 14:33:01

    Though records can now share much of the functionality of classes, there are some important differences between classes and records. Records do not support inheritance. Records can contain variant parts; classes cannot. Records are value types, so they a

  • 2021年12月奥鹏远程网络教育大学英语b统考题库试题2021-10-29 01:02:20

      全国奥鹏、远程、网络教育大学英语b、计算机应用基础统考题库   2021年12月远程网络教育大学英语b、计算机应用基础整套原题库,覆盖90%以上,精心整理归类,全中文翻译,高频重点题型单独标注,视频教程讲解,复习完整套原题库,必过。     2021年12月大学英语b统考题库,整套原题库,覆盖90

  • How does changing your password every 90 days increase security?2021-10-27 13:00:41

    How does changing your password every 90 days increase security? 回答1 The reason password expiration policies exist, is to mitigate the problems that would occur if an attacker acquired the password hashes of your system and were to break them. These poli

  • #1060. Are They Equal【字符串处理】2021-10-25 19:59:13

    原题链接 Problem Description: If a machine can save only 3 significant digits, the float numbers 12300 and 12358.9 are considered equal since they are both saved as 0.123 ×

  • They all love YR!2021-10-06 14:31:54

  • python - introduction2021-10-05 16:03:40

    Python Keywords Keywords are the reserved words in Python.   In Python, keywords are case sensitive. There are 33 keywords in Python 3.7. This number can vary slightly over the course of time. All the keywords except True, False and None are in lowercas

  • D-Showstopper (二分搜索)2021-10-01 18:59:21

    Data-mining huge data sets can be a painful and long lasting process if we are not aware of tiny patterns existing within those data sets. One reputable company has recently discovered a tiny bug in their hardware video processing solution and they are t

  • 四级作文范文2021-09-27 19:34:46

    亲子关系 Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on how to best handle the relationship between parents and children. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 参考范文: How to best handle the relations

  • 活着就是为了改变世界2021-09-19 17:33:24

      Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree


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