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  • 【2022-1-14】Barbara Oakley2022-01-14 23:58:27

    1 专注思维和发散思维 2 结构安排 3专注思维和发散思维-画家达利也在运用 4 什么是学习 5 拖延症简介 6 实践记忆永存 7 记忆简介 8 睡眠在学习中的重要性 9 特伦斯·谢诺沃斯基博士访谈 10MaryAnna特别提示 11 关于学习语言的采访 12 关于创造力的采访 13写作教练Daphne访谈

  • A. Collecting Coins2020-01-27 12:39:05

    time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Polycarp has three sisters: Alice, Barbara, and Cerene. They're collecting coins. Currently, Alice has aa coins, Barbara has bb coins and Ce

  • codeforces 1294A Collecting Coins2020-01-23 21:38:06

    A. Collecting Coins time limit per test2 seconds memory limit per test256 megabytes inputstandard input outputstandard output Polycarp has three sisters: Alice, Barbara, and Cerene. They’re collecting coins. Currently, Alice has a coins, Barbara has b

  • 悲观锁和乐观锁2019-10-24 15:57:13

    我们通常希望避免在两个并行事务中产生如下情形: Adam的事务读取数据 XBarbara的事务读取数据 XAdam的事务修改数据 X,并将其修改为 XAAdam的事务写入数据 XABarbara的事务修改数据 X,并将其修改为 XBBarbara的事务写入数据 XB结果是,Adam所做的修改完全被Barbara所覆盖掉了,但是Barbar

  • TOEFL阅读——长难句专项训练52019-09-23 10:35:48

    Paragraph 3: He called for proof of the protectionist view that visitations of the ants confer protection on the plants and that in the absence of the insects a much greater number would perish or fail to produce flowers or seeds than when the insects are


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