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2021-04-24 12:33:53  阅读:142  来源: 互联网

标签:24 love 04 sum2 sum1 score 2021 print group

print(“You can use your mobile phone to cheat in the exam if it’necessary.\n(满分:27)\n”)
print(“The first group:\n”)sum1=0for i in range(1,10): print(f"the answer of {i}×{i} is: “) s=input() if si*i: sum1=sum1+1 print(“Well done,I love you.”) elif s”": print(“Slow down”) else: print(“Wrong,I still love you.”)print("\n")print(f"The score of the first group is {sum1}\n") print("\n\n\n")print(“The second group:\n”)sum2=0for j in range(1,10): print(f"the answer of {j}^{j} is : “) w=input() if wj**j: sum2=sum2+1 print(“Well done,I love you.”) elif s”": print(“Slow down”) else: print(“Wrong,I still love you.”)print("\n")print(f"The score of the second group is {sum2}\n")print("\n\n\n")print(“The third group:\n”)sum3=0for x in range(1,10): print(f"{xx}:{x*x}= ") y=input() if y==x(x-2): sum3=sum3+1 print(“Well done,I love you.”) elif s=="": print(“Slow down”) else: print(“Wrong,I still love you.”)print("\n")print(f"The score of the third group is {sum3}\n")print("\n\n\n")sum4=sum1+sum2+sum3print(f"The total score is :{sum4}\n")if 18<sum4<=27: print(“Very good.”)elif 9<sum4<=18: print(“You are in the middle.”)else : print(“Why didn’t you cheat in the exam?”)print(“答案: \n”)list1=[]list2=[]print(“The first group:\n”)for k in range(1,10): list1.append(kk) print(f"{k}×{k}={kk}\t",end="") print("\n")print("\n\n\n")print(“The second group:\n”)for t in range(1,10): print(f"{t}^{t}={tt}\t",end="") list2.append(tt) print("\n")print("\n\n\n")print(“The third group:\n”)for m,n in list(zip(list1,list2)): z=int(n/m) print(f"{n}:{m}={z}",end="") print("\n")input("")

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/m0_56987233/article/details/116086584

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