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There are these reasons why the more you pay, the more you hurt!

2021-02-14 09:33:35  阅读:219  来源: 互联网

标签:mutual love people these pay person other more

  Someone once said: love is a thousand things. We have never known how many setbacks and tribulations those happy lovers experienced, how many temptations and loneliness they resisted before they got a companion.

Feelings are selfish, there is no reason to speak of. Two people who don’t love each other much pay more and less than each other. Because giving is a new journey for everyone, when a person is willing to give without return, it is probably deep love to the bone marrow.
But often the person who pays the most in the emotion is also the biggest hurt, because it’s too unreserved, so it makes you hurt completely. We have no way to comfort anything, because for them: to pay is their willingness, so even if the injury is they should bear.

    People who are too distracted get extreme results. One is to live happily together, the other is to be injured all over the body.

In fact, we should all understand that when you go out of your small family to meet more people, everything is mutual, care is mutual, love is mutual, understanding and mutual tolerance are mutual. In everyone’s heart there is a yardstick, when a person’s unilateral pay beyond a certain range, there will be negative emotions.
When you don’t care about the gain and loss in love, what you get is your inner satisfaction. You are used to being good to him. You are used to no return, so you have to accept the bad result which is not so good.
Therefore, we should recognize the fact that love is a matter for two people, which requires each other’s hard work. One person’s efforts can not support the two people’s world. It is not necessarily a good thing to pay too much in love.

 Therefore, we should recognize the fact that love is a matter for two people, which requires each other's hard work. One person's efforts can not support the two people's world. It is not necessarily a good thing to pay too much in love.

Everyone is worthy of love, but don’t lose yourself in love, lose your own value!

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/LingXi566/article/details/113805708

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