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202000302英语上课笔记-describe a person

2020-03-02 18:58:16  阅读:358  来源: 互联网

标签:... old travel describe 202000302 person she year hair

Shaun (from England)  [ ʃ ɔ: n ]

Ada - Ruby - Cady


height - hair colour - clothes



a tall, short, average height man/woman


dark brown, brown, light/fair, mousey, blonde, ginger/red hair, grey(ing), silver, white, black

+ hair style (straight, wavy, curly)

+ length - (short, shoulder length, long)


smart (formal) - casual (informal)


hello teacher name

I live in _____ of China in

I used to travel when I have a holiday

I used to travel when I had a holiday

I travel when I have a holiday

she is 12 year old... ...6 year old....

she is 12 years old / she is a 12 year old (child)

I'm come from.. I come from...

I'm from....

I am a teacher in the primary school...


....belong(s) to...


some dress a dress or some dresses

a lot tall very tall

he / she / it = verb +S


ju:ʒ jə  li   or  ju:ʒ  juə li



来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/vivid0816/p/12397331.html

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