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Autel MaxiSys MS909 vs MS919 vs Ultra

2022-07-01 09:02:27  阅读:195  来源: 互联网

标签:MS909 MaxiSys MS919 Repair VCMI vs Ultra

Packed with incredible capabilities, the premium trio of Autel MaxiSys MS909, MS919 and Ultra series are ready for any heavy-duty use. They’re built for experts in car diagnostics and repair, and judging by your interest in this blog, they’re built for you. But one question can get tricky when looking at these machines: How do you choose the right one to buy?

1. MS909 vs MS919 vs Ultra: Specs

2. MS909 vs MS919 vs Ultra: Compare

Size & Display

MaxiSys Ultra (12.9 2732 x 2048 DPI) has a larger screen and higher resolution than MS909 and MS919 (both 9.7 1536 x 2048 DPI). What’s refreshing, Ultra has split-screen navigation that lets you run multiple apps at the same time, an excellent skill that maximizes your work efficiency.

Battery & Memory

Both MS909 and MS919 use 128GB SSD/4GB RAM, while Ultra uses a larger storage of 256GB SSD/4GB RAM. All scanners can run for 8 hours non-stop, but Ultra stands out with a more powerful 18,000mAh battery compared to the other two (15,000mAh). In addition, the practical docking station in the Ultra ensures that you always have power during operation.


The main reason MS919 and Ultra separate from MS909 is the advanced 5-IN-1 VCMI, a small but fully reliable computer with powerful hardware extensions like oscilloscope, waveform generator, multimeter and CAN-BUS tester.

Repair Assist

While all three devices are equipped with Repair Assist Service, MS 909 has to give way to its counterparts when it comes to functional coverage. Thanks to the versatile VCMI, MS919 and Ultra show code-related problems with unit tests and forward them to the oscilloscope with a single click. They also offer easier and faster operation through built-in preset guided tests that allow you to customize probe specification and verify signal libraries. As mentioned earlier, unit tests are available, as well as saved test configurations and data graphs.


What merits do these three machines share compared with other Autel series?
✓ 99% Vehicle Coverage
✓ 36+ Services
✓ Octa-Core Processor
✓ 16MP Rear / 5MP Front camera
✓ Repair Assist
✓ Topology Module Mapping
✓ DTC Troubleshooting

In what way does MS919 beat MS909?
✓ Advanced 5-in-1 VCMI
✓ Component Test
✓ Full Diagnositic Guidance

In what way does Ultra beat MS909 and MS919?
✓ Larger and Split-screen Display
✓ Stronger Battery
✓ Bigger Memory
✓ Extra Repair Assistance

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/alice88auto/p/16433325.html

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