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abandon, abroad, abolish

2021-11-21 19:34:25  阅读:143  来源: 互联网

标签:... her Embry abolish slaves abandon abroad abolition Katie


Abandon is a 2002 American psychological thriller drama film [惊悚片]


Waiting for Handler on campus [校园], Katie is once again attacked by Embry, who promises to find her wherever she goes before running off. Informing Handler of her encounter [遇到] with Embry, Katie asks him if the two of them can just leave, but Handler insists on putting a stop to Embry's threats [威胁]. Following Katie's direction to where Embry ran off, Handler and Katie venture [冒险] into Embry's former dormitory [宿舍], which is now *abandoned* due to the building's derelict [坍塌的] structure. As they walk into one of the building's old tunnels [地下通道], a former spot for Katie and Embry's trysts [幽会], Katie begins to interact [交流] with Embry, but Handler sees no one.


Through flashbacks [镜头的闪回], Katie and Embry have been in the same location two years prior, with Embry cruelly breaking up with her and calling off [取消] their planned trip to Greece [希腊]. It is subsequently [随后] revealed [显露] that as a repercussion [后果] of her father's *abandonment* of her at a young age, Katie possesses [有] severe psychotic [精神病] tendencies [倾向] surrounding [比喻的用法,查词典] *abandonment*. Distraught [心烦意乱] over Embry's disposal [处置] of her, Katie picks up a rock and strikes him from behind repeatedly, killing him.



1. 以某种状态或方式,如: afire, aloud, alive, afloat等
2. at, in, on, to sth,如: abed, aboard, abroad, ahead, afoot, ashore等
3. not/without, 如: amoral, atypical等

aboard: 到板上去。abroad: 到broad(广、大)的地方去:到国外去。过去有些人一辈子没去过县城。

All aboard! 全体上车。发音像拼音的ao-le-bao-de. 即All的l和aboard的a粘起来读。这种现象很常见,再如disagree,构词是dis+agree,读音是/disəˈgriː/,不是dis...agree. 手机/电脑上的词典和翻译软件,许多有发音功能,建议多听并模仿,音标供参考,不要背,更不要练印刷体。非专业人士不要苦练a和ʌ,i和ə等,长的长(i和i:),重的重,forty和fourteen能让人听出差别,就差不离。印度人Raj把所有的θ念成t,如think成了tink, 老外也能听懂。


The *abolition* of slavery occurred at different times in different countries. It frequently occurred sequentially [顺序地] in more than one stage - for example, as *abolition* of the trade in slaves in a specific country, and then as *abolition* of slavery throughout empires [帝国]. Each step was usually the result of a separate law or action. This timeline shows *abolition* laws or actions listed chronologically [按时间顺序地]. It also covers the *abolition* of serfdom [农奴制].

The Fugitive [逃犯] Slave Law of 1850 requires the return of escaped slaves to their owners regardless [与...无关] of the state they are in. 1852 Constitution [宪法] officially declared slavery illegal. Dred Scott v. Sanford rules [裁定] that black slaves and their descendants [后裔] cannot gain American citizenship and that slaves are not entitled to [具有...的权利] freedom even if they live in a free state for years. 1862, Slave trade *abolished*. 1863, Lincoln issues [发出] the Emancipation [解放] Proclamation [宣言], freeing all slaves in Confederate[美国南部邦联]-controlled areas. Most slaves in "border states" are freed by state action, and a separate law frees the slaves in Washington, D.C. 1865, Slavery *abolished*, except as punishment for crimes [对犯罪的惩罚例外], by the Thirteenth Amendment [修正] to the United States Constitution. It frees 40,000 remaining slaves in border states. Thirty out of thirty-six states vote to [投票赞成] ratify [使...生效] it; New Jersey, Delaware, Kentucky, and Mississippi vote against [反对].

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/funwithwords/p/15585488.html

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