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使用 ​ NeXt UI JavaScript 库​从服务器获取数据动态创建网络拓扑图

2021-11-06 20:58:39  阅读:232  来源: 互联网

标签:JavaScript dynamic 动态创建 server sample 获取数据 nodes opendaylight topology

opendaylight-sample-apps/next-dynamic-topology at master · CiscoDevNet/opendaylight-sample-apps · GitHubSample applications for use with OpenDaylight (https://www.opendaylight.org/) - opendaylight-sample-apps/next-dynamic-topology at master · CiscoDevNet/opendaylight-sample-appshttps://github.com/CiscoDevNet/opendaylight-sample-apps/tree/master/next-dynamic-topology


This sample is designed to show basics of dynamic topology. In the example you'll see how NeXt fetches new nodes and links and adds them to topology's object. It doesn't affect other nodes, therefore the performance is high.

How To Use This Application

  1. Run nodejs server located at: ./nodejs-server/topology-server.js. This is mandatory to use sample app.
  2. Open index.html and hit 'Update Topology From Server'
  3. You'll see the updated topology

How It Works

App fetches data from the nodejs server, adds new nodes and links and renders the topology. This demonstrates creating of new nodes and links only, it doesn't update anything or remove elements of the topology.

Every time you request the nodejs app, it create one node at a random position and connects it with with another nodes, chosen randomly.


node topology-server.js



来源: https://blog.csdn.net/allway2/article/details/121184795

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